Municipality takes action due to increase in cases of avian influenza in coastal fauna – Commodore Rivadavia

Municipality takes action due to increase in cases of avian influenza in coastal fauna – Commodore Rivadavia

Municipal officials held a meeting with the aim of intensifying cleaning operations and removing animal carcasses from the coast of Commodore Rivadavia. Likewise, it is recommended to avoid contact with dead bodies and their secretions and not to take pets to the beach. If you find an animal dead or in poor condition, you must notify them by calling 103 (Civil Defense).

The meeting took place this Wednesday and was attended by Gustavo Fita, Cabinet Coordination Secretary; Maximiliano López, Head of the Infrastructure and Public Works Department; Deputy Minister of the Environment Daniel González; and the head of the Ministry of Health, Deputy Minister Gabriela Simunovic.

The purpose of the meeting was to redouble efforts and advance coordination efforts between different municipal jurisdictions to enhance ongoing operations to remove animals from our city’s beaches. Again, this task will also be handled by the provincial government.

In this regard, Daniel Gonzalez said, “The increase in sea lion deaths is further confirmation that the virus is affecting other species such as gulls, terns, penguins and cormorants, among others.”

“In view of this situation, we held a meeting to intensify animal removal operations on the beaches. On the one hand, we will cooperate with the Environmental Guard to conduct more frequent surveys of the coast, while the Public Works District will provide machinery for burials, and the Cabinet Coordinator will Carrying out deceased removal operations. Birds,” he detailed.

Likewise, Gonzalez stressed that “it’s important to step up this effort and raise awareness, especially because we are in a period where people are starting to get closer to the beaches more often.”


Gabriela Simunovic explained, “Although there are very few cases of bird flu, we must assume the commitment and responsibility of observing preventive measures, avoiding close to dead animals and not taking pets to the beach.” They also have no contact. “

Along these lines, he said, “We have observed higher animal mortality over the past month and a half, so we arranged a meeting with Leandro Cavaco, the minister responsible for provincial wildlife areas, to They can accompany us in removing the animals because there are so many of them.”

The official continued, “It is easy to lift small animals with a net, but it is very difficult for sea lions weighing 400 kilograms or more, especially in some inaccessible areas.”

Finally, Simonovic emphasized that “prevention includes first of all not approaching dead animals, reporting accordingly if an animal is found, and not taking pets to the beach.”

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