Mustique, the history of the island and the connection with the royal family

Mustique is a private island of several square kilometers in the Lesser Antilles.between the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Belongs Company Mustikformally this is the government of St. Vincent and Grenadines rent it out on a long-term lease, which, in turn, is owned by the inhabitants of the island, only 500 people. fauna – there are numerous turtles and herons, as well as other native species – the island offers the luxury and isolation that made it Darling The Royal Family English. In fact, Princess Margaret had a luxurious villa right here (there are 90 private houses on the island): after her wedding with a photographer Anthony Armstrong-Jonesspent his honeymoon on a six-week Caribbean cruise aboard a royal yacht. Britannia AND, come a wedding gift he got a plot of land from a family friend caribbean island private, Mustique.

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It was the sixties, and the island was a real hedonistic idyll, where wealth, madness and solitude reigned. Favorite by Individual Characters ed. eccentric, the island remained almost a secret place until 1976, that is, until the English magazine world News published photos of the princess together with Roddy Llewellynseventeen years his junior, with whom he has been in a relationship since 1973. Stolen shots called a real one scandal which led to divorce Anthony Armstrong-Jones. Despite the hype surrounding the Isle of Mustique, Margaret remained very close toisland and frequented it throughout his life, calling it “the only place I can relax”.

His house, called Les Jolies Eaux, a real paradise, as well as the only place that the princess owned during her entire existence. It was her pride and she was he adored. Here he liked to relax, but also to have fun and meet friends, but, above all, here he could free himself from protocol and almost forget that he was part of the royal family. Witnesses talk about the wild, cheerful, life-loving Margaret. In 1996, six years before her death, the princess gave her son Les Jolies Eaux. David Linley, who later sold the property to an American businessman. Decades later, the island still retains its former appeal. glamorousalbeit not accessible to everyone: in fact, to rent Les Jolies Eaux, you need about $62 a week.

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And if the royal family is limited to visiting it once – William and Kate spent several summer holidays here – there is no shortage of stars to fill it, from Mick Jagger to Bryan Adams and Tommy Hilfiger, who have houses here, to casual visitors such as Taylor Swift, Bill Gates, Victoria Beckham, Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom. However, today the island is far from the days of partying and that unbridled hedonism that made it the favorite destination of Princess Margaret, and yet it still remains magical placewhere you can watch the sunset while sipping whiskey. But the right one, one of those who loved Margaret, the most recalcitrant of the princesses.

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