“My mentality is, I’m at the beginning of the game”

Coco Goff will reach the semi-finals of the US Open for the first time in her career after beating Jelena Ostapenko. The American, who went 6-0 6-2 in a huge win, spoke at a news conference about the changes in her game and her mental transformation.

“My mentality is still at the beginning of the game. I think that’s what I’ve learned in the past in the quarter-finals. Before I thought it was close to the end, but now my mentality is that I have two weeks to go. To play. That’s what I think. Great performances in Montreal and Cincinnati have boosted my mental stamina. I’ve always had physical strength, but I’ve also developed my mental stamina. Now I feel refreshed and I think that’s what it used to be. Slam problem: I’m emotionally exhausted.” goff inside US Open.

Becomes first local teen to reach semifinals since Serena Williams

“She’s the greatest player of all time and I’m nowhere near that level. I’m really honored to say the same thing with her, she’s my idol. I think if you told me when I was younger , my data will be the same as hers, and I will be scared.”

How has your game changed?

“I think in order to compete and win you have to be very serious, very focused, that’s true, but you also have to enjoy it. I think that’s the change: I’m having more fun. Brad started training with me Before, in my first meeting with him, the first thing he said was I need to smile more, it’s not about my game or anything.”

coping with stress

“I think what I’ve learned about myself is that now I shouldn’t put too much pressure on these games because when you play these games, the pressure is always there. They’re intense and you always want to win. I think I The more I get to that level, the better I learn to handle it.”

About today’s game

“Today was the best game I’ve ever played. While it’s not the way I like to play, it’s hard to be an attacker at times. So I think the way I make decisions is probably the best way I’ve ever had, I’m very confident in all my shots.”

He understands Jelena’s complaints about the short recovery time from her match against Swatek

“Yeah, it does matter, maybe more mentally than physically, because I think physically you have a day, but mentally these days go by so fast. I can definitely understand that point of view.”

Enjoy More, Think Less About Results

“I see my life in perspective. I’m just saying I’m lucky in my life and I should enjoy it. I know there are millions of people who would probably want to be where I am, so I shouldn’t say why one way or the other, but rather It should say, “Why don’t I like this? “It should, because when everyone has their say, it’s easy to know what you should and shouldn’t do. I do it for fun. You shouldn’t think about the outcome. I live a lucky life.”

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