Myths and Paradigms in Health

In our society, there are many beliefs or sayings about health-related topics that are passed down from generation to generation…

These beliefs are believed to be entirely correct.

We feel it is important to clarify some of these myths, legends or paradigms.

First, we will define the terms myth and paradigm.

myth: Derived from the Greek word “mythos” (“story”), it refers to stories of wonderful events with supernatural characters (gods, monsters) or extraordinary characters (heroes) as the protagonists. The origin of the myth is an oral story.

Over time, its details changed as knowledge was passed down from generation to generation.

example: The word Paradigm comes from the Greek word “paradeigma”, which means example or model.

It is used to indicate a pattern, model, example or prototype.Refers to relevant aspects of a situation and can for exampleas a model, as an idea that is taken for granted, even if not proven.

Health Myths and Paradigms…

The topic chosen today is about all the ideas or concepts we have about health which are not necessarily all correct and many times we accept them just because we hear them or someone tells us the simple truth without asking. Simply research or ask others.

There are so many myths and paradigms. Today we will mention some of them.

Cover up or you’ll catch a cold: True or False?

Influenza is an infectious disease caused by a virus. It is spread through close contact with an affected person.

Although flu outbreaks are more frequent in the winter, this has nothing to do with time spent outdoors: In fact, time spent outdoors can make you less susceptible to the virus, since indoor venues are often very crowded and have more ventilation than outdoors. Want less. summer.

It is only recommended that children cover their mouth and nose when outside as they are particularly susceptible to the effects of cold temperatures.

To avoid contagion, you should wash your hands thoroughly before touching mucous membranes (mouth, eyes, nose), when returning home, or after visiting places such as hospitals, buses, bars, etc.

The ideal method is to use an alcohol-based gel, which can be applied anytime and anywhere to sanitize hands without the need for water.

Green slime is synonymous with infection: true or false?

If you blow your nose and notice that your handkerchief is painted green, you don’t have to worry.

Contrary to what most people (including many doctors) think, there is no scientific evidence that green mucus is a symptom of infection.

Milk can relieve varicose veins…

In a study of 330 people, two-thirds of respondents believed that milk consumption Increased phlegm production.

But this is wrong.

This was demonstrated in another investigation in which a group of volunteers were infected with the virus that causes colds.

Some of them were invited to drink large amounts of milk.

result? Nasal secretions are no higher in the latter than in the former.

Vaccines are not required

The trend toward rejecting official medicines is causing diseases that have been nearly eradicated, such as measles, to become a problem again.

The vaccine protects against diphtheria, invasive disease caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b (a serious childhood disease causing skin and throat infections, meningitis, pneumonia), invasive disease caused by group C meningococci, pneumococcal disease, acute pneumonia Transmission of diseases such as viral gastroenteritis, influenza, hepatitis A and B, human papillomavirus, mumps, polio, rubella, measles, tetanus, chickenpox.

You should think twice before deciding not to vaccinate your child.

Is autism caused by vaccines? …

In February 2010, the magazine lancet Published an article about vaccines saying the shots may cause autism.

Based on these results, apply triple virus vaccine (MMR) protects against measles, mumps and rubella and may be linked to a new gastrointestinal syndrome and autism.

Nothing is further from reality. The journal later admitted that the authors had manipulated the study data and, in fact, the doctor could no longer practice his profession in the UK.

However, its publication caused a huge impact and continues to spread anti-vaccination movement.

In this case, myths about disease (or tools to prevent it) can also harm our health.

These vaccines were originally developed by Edward Jenner while fighting chickenpox, Saved millions of lives It has become popular around the world since the 19th century.

my own anyoneMultiple sclerosis. An important document on the myths and realities of vaccines has been released.

You can eat all the light food products you want because they control your weight and blood sugar…

Light products offer foods that are low in sugar or fat; but that doesn’t mean they don’t have these substances.

It’s necessary to read labels to learn more about how much sugar and fat we consume, even on bland foods.

These foods should not be consumed casually because if consumed in excess, they can affect your health just like traditional foods.

dr. HHector Pereda senna Pediatrician

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