Nasal congestion remedies | The ultimate home remedy to say goodbye to nasal congestion

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With the arrival of cold weather, Headaches, sore throats, and nasal congestion are severe and uncomfortable, Many times we cannot get rid of it easily. To ease our discomfort, we often turn to home remedies, and even though many of them are completely ineffective, we try one thing after another in an attempt to not make the situation worse.


Nasal congestion occurs when the tissue inside the nose swells. The swelling is caused by inflammation of the blood vessels. The problem may also include “rhinorrhea,” or a runny nose. If excess mucus runs down the back of your throat (postnasal drip), it may cause a cough or sore throat.

According to the U.S. Library of Medicine, nasal congestion or rhinorrhea is often caused by the common cold, flu, sinus infections, and Usually disappears on its own within a week.

Finding ways to keep mucus thin will help drain it from your nose and sinuses. and relieve your symptoms. Drinking plenty of clear fluids is one way to do this. Therefore, relieving nasal congestion is a “top priority”, Dr. Manuel Linares, coordinator of the Infectious Diseases, Tropical and Travel Medicine Working Group of the Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians (SEMERGEN), explained to Infosalus This is moisturizing.

Experts warn: “It allows mucus to disappear and helps prevent sinus congestion and increased irritation. At present, due to central heating systems, the environment becomes very dry, which causes nasal passages to become more irritated”. The coldest days.

Therefore, it is important Increase daily fluid intake, especially water, natural juices, creams and soups. He also thinks hot showers can be helpful because hot water creates warm, moist air, which he thinks helps clear clogged nasal passages and relieve sinus pressure. Another alternative is a humidifier because by generating steam, Help clear nasal passages.

“It is widely believed that onion juice can reduce cold symptoms when it comes into contact with the respiratory tract; in fact, it is still common to place onions near cold sufferers as a home remedy to treat coughs.” SEMERGEN experts warn: “While the risks are also unknown, they have not been shown to have any effectiveness. The same happens with garlic, which is said to have antibacterial and antiviral effects, but its effectiveness in the process of catarrh has not been proven.”

Linares said another product is honey, which has been one of the most commonly used products to treat coughs since ancient times. “Sweetened products are known to reduce cough discomfort and contribute to the placebo effect. Additionally, Antioxidant effect is attributed to it and a possible antimicrobial effect through the release of ‘cytokines’,” he noted.

The expert added: “The effectiveness of honey as a cough suppressant in children is confirmed compared to no treatment or placebo,” while insisting that mist baths are “excellent” because “hydration is the best treatment for nasal congestion.”

Dr. José María Cots, coordinator of the Infectious Diseases Group of the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine (SEMFYC), expressed regret Mucolytics “do little to relieve nasal congestion.” However, saline solutions are outstanding in relieving nasal congestion, especially in children. Also points to the humidifier.

The U.S. Library of Medicine also recommends wiping your face with a warm, damp cloth several times a day; inhaling steam two to four times a day. He says one way to do this is to sit in the bathroom with the shower on, but don’t inhale the hot steam; in addition Use a mild saline nasal spray 3 to 4 times daily.

“Nasal congestion is usually worse when you lie down. Stay upright or at least keep your head elevated. Some stores sell tapes that can be applied to your nose. These tapes help dilate the nasal passages and make breathing easier,” he warns.

on the other hand, When you have nasal congestion and forehead swelling, it is recommended to see a doctorone side of the eye, nose, or cheek, or blurred vision; In addition to nasal congestion, you also experience a sore throat, or white or yellow spots on the tonsils or other parts of the throat; When the mucus smells bad, only comes from one side, or is not white in color or yellow; when your cough lasts for more than 10 daysor the production of yellow-green or gray mucus; when a runny nose occurs after a head injury; if symptoms last for more than 3 weeks; or when a fever and runny nose occur.

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