National Latino AIDS Awareness 2023: Do it your way, do it right

Content comes from: HIV websitePublished: September 29, 20232 min read


A woman and a man smile on National Latino AIDS Awareness Day

National Latino AIDS Awareness Day (NLAAD), observed annually on October 15, is a day dedicated to raising awareness of the impact of HIV on Hispanic and Latino communities in the United States. The day is also an opportunity to highlight the lived experiences of Hispanic and Latino people in efforts to end the HIV epidemic, reduce HIV stigma, and promote HIV testing, prevention, treatment and education.

Twenty years ago, Exit disclaimer (LCOA) and Exit disclaimer First observation of NLAAD. Today, with Hispanic and Latino communities disproportionately affected by HIV, the commemoration and its efforts continue.

Watch vs. LCOA President Guillermo Chacon, exist English and spanish. He discussed this year’s theme and the intent and importance of NLAAD.

This year’s theme

During our conversation, Mr. Chacón stated that the theme of this year’s NLAAD is “Do it your way. “Do it right. ” Furthermore, I noted that NLAAD is a key day for mobilization and awareness-raising, stressing that this day is not only a commemoration but also a community mobilization event aimed at “empowering each and every one of us to reduce the spread of HIV “.

HIV and AIDS in Hispanic and Latino Communities

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), social and structural issues such as racism, HIV stigma, homophobia, poverty, and limited access to quality health care impact health outcomes and continue to exacerbate health outcomes among Hispanics. HIV inequalities and Latino communities. Please read the CDC page to learn more about HIV in these communities and note that 2020 data should be interpreted with caution due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

More information about the Latino AIDS Council

LCOA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to advocating for the health of Latinos, promoting HIV education, developing model prevention programs for high-risk communities, and building the capacity of community organizations. With an extensive network of Hispanic and Latino community leaders and partner organizations, the organization works to mobilize effective community responses to health challenges and address the impact of HIV and AIDS, hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections on communities across the country Impact.To learn more about LCOA and its mission, services and programs, read more Exit disclaimer.Also, visit and Exit disclaimerGet more information and resources.

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