National Streptococcus pyogenes invasive infection: 487 confirmed cases, 78 deaths | Ministry of Health Warning

Ministry of Health Notice 487 confirmed cases to this day Invasive Streptococcus pyogenes infection All over the country, A total of 78 people died.

“As of November 6, 2023, there have been 487 cases Invasive infection Streptococcus pyogenes infections occurred across the country, with 78 deaths,” a statement from the Ministry of Health said.

Almost half of the Streptococcus pyogenes cases were under 16 years of age (241 cases = 49.5%), while 38.5% of deaths were among children under 16 years old. Official information added that the remaining cases were spread across all age groups.

Streptococcus pyogenes is a Gram-positive bacteria This is the most common bacterial cause Acute pharyngitis and skin infections such as impetigo, cellulitis, and scarlet fever.

Although scarlet fever is not part of the mandatory notifiable events, an outbreak of any cause is a notifiable event.

Against this background, the October 2023 Notice An outbreak of scarlet fever occurred in an educational institution in Santa Fe Province. The Ministry of Health added that there were five related cases, none of which required hospitalization and were progressing well.

At the international level, by the end of 2022 World Health Organization (WHO) At least five member states in the European region (France, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland) have reported an increase in the number of cases of invasive disease caused by group A Streptococcus (Streptococcus pyogenes), the report said. ) and an increase in deaths related to the event was observed in some of these countries.

On December 19 of the same year, the Pan American Health Organization reported that Uruguay has 21 cases with complications From the perspective of evolution, 8 of the cases died, including 4 adults (69 to 79 years old) and 4 immunocompetent children aged 1 to 7 years due to invasive disease caused by group A streptococci.

he Group A Streptococcus It usually causes different skin infections such as impetigo, cellulitis, and scarlet fever; however, sometimes May present with severe forms or invasive diseasewhich could result in a life-threatening situation, be responsible for More than 500,000 people die worldwide each year.

The host is a human and is part of the normal microbiota. People may be asymptomatic carriers.

The transfer takes place in By contact with an infected person’s wound or direct contact through droplets Coughing, sneezing or talking.

The incubation period of the disease varies from 1 to 3 days depending on the clinical manifestations.

Pharyngitis is diagnosed by bacterial culture and treated with antibiotics. The treatment of choice is penicillin.

symptom pharyngitis yes Sore throat; fever; headache; abdominal pain; nausea and vomiting; redness of the pharynx and tonsils; bad breath; enlarged nodes Neck size.

about scarlet fever The most common symptoms are Redness and sore throat; fever (38.3°C or higher); red rash with a sandpaper texture; dark red skin in the armpits, elbows, and groin creases; white coating on the tongue or back of the throat; “raspberry” tongue; headache; nausea or vomiting; swollen glands; body aches.

When some of these symptoms occur, it is important to Avoid self-medication with antibiotics and consult your doctor For timely diagnosis, you need a healthy mix.

If antibiotic treatment is medically indicated, It is important to complete the chart (Adhere to the prescribed dosage and schedule, and do not shorten or abandon treatment prematurely), as inappropriate use of antibiotics promotes bacterial resistance, a fact that can harm their future effectiveness.

sick person They should avoid public places (work, school) and limit household contacts. It is also important to wash your hands frequently; do not share items for personal use (cutlery, glasses, towels, etc.) and adequately ventilate the room regularly.

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