Natural drinks to fight the flu

While winter in Cuba is temporary and there aren’t too many heavy snows or overwhelming cold, as we often say “the weather just cooled down,” it’s always good to have some home remedies on hand to warm up the body and help fight the flu. And boost your immune system with natural drinks.

Natural drinks for treating the flu

The flu is a very common respiratory infection when temperatures start to drop. There are a series of easy-to-follow tips that can relieve symptoms or reduce the number of flu days you have in some way. The smartest thing to do is to rest and drink natural beverages to stay hydrated, drink hot beverages to calm and relieve congestion, wash your hands frequently and take some medicine for fever or muscle pain.

Today I am sharing with you some recipes that are not only healthy, but also delicious.

ginger tea

Ginger is a medicinal plant native to China that has been used as a flavoring in delicacies, infusions, essential oils, or medicines for 2,000 years.

Ginger tea has very powerful anti-inflammatory properties due to its nutritional properties. Ginger root contains fiber, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, and gingerol, which gives the tea an analgesic effect, prevents nausea and vomiting, and has a direct cold-warming effect since the spicy taste enhances sweating and warms the body. Calms coughs and flu.

Orange juice with lemon and propolis

Orange juice is known for its vitamin C content and its ability to fight the flu, but the truth is that no juice can cure the flu or cold, although drinking orange juice before and during a game does shorten the duration of overall symptomatology.

If we add to orange juice a citrus fruit such as lemon and another antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic substance such as propolis, we will provide the juice with additional vitamins and nutritional properties that strengthen our defenses.

Honey lemon tea

Honey lemon tea is a well-known home remedy for treating flu, colds, and cold symptoms, as the hot drink combined with these two ingredients can relieve nasal congestion and relieve throat irritation and coughs.

Lemon provides a necessary dose of vitamin C, and honey is a source of energy with antibacterial properties that relieve discomfort and promote increased defenses.

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