Nearly 100 people die from flu in North Carolina; 7 children

Raleigh, North Carolina – According to the latest data from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, 95 people have died from the flu this season, including seven children.

Data shows that between December 31 and January 31, a total of 6 people died from influenza, the highest number this season.

The new data comes weeks after North Carolina hit a record number of hospitalizations for flu patients.

Additionally, 17.2% of emergency room visits are for respiratory viruses, according to NCDHHS. A decrease of 23.3% from the previous week. About 3% of them had influenza-like illness.

A total of 763 people were hospitalized with influenza. Compared with the previous week, there were 1,055 hospital admissions, a decrease of 27.7%.

If your doctor prescribes antiviral medications, take them!

Antiviral drugs are used to treat influenza illness. Antiviral drugs can make the condition less severe and shorten its duration. They can also prevent serious flu complications.
The CDC recommends early use of antiviral drugs to treat people who become seriously ill from the flu, as well as those who have flu symptoms and are at high risk for severe flu complications because of their age or high-risk medical conditions.

stay home when sick

  • If you are sick, limit your contact with other people as much as possible.
  • Remember to cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, and throw the tissue in the trash after use.
  • Once your fever is gone, stay home for at least 24 hours unless you need medical attention or other needs.
  • A fever must be present for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications before you can resume normal activities.

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Has the flu hit you again this year? Learn what you can do to help combat symptoms and feel better faster. Write these tips down!

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rest. Call the office and let them know you will be away for a few days because you are feeling terrible and may be contagious! Use your free time to give your body the rest it deserves. Sit back in a chair, pick up a book, or watch a marathon of your favorite movie.

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Drink plenty of fluids. Increase consumption of water, sports drinks, and soups. Fluids keep your respiratory system hydrated and help dissolve thick mucus that builds up and can lead to bronchial infections.

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Steam inhalation. You can fill your sink with boiling water and add a few drops of eucalyptus oil or an over-the-counter product. Breathe the steam. This can help open the bronchial tubes and relieve nasal congestion. Please consult your doctor first.

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Yes to humidity. If the air in your bedroom is very dry, a humidifier may help relieve congestion and coughs. Remember to keep it clean to prevent the growth of bacteria and mold.

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Steam bath. If you’re really stuffy, try closing the bathroom door and running hot water from the bathtub faucet to fill the room with steam.

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candy. Try some soothing candies: They may help moisturize your throat and relieve itchiness caused by a cough.

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Nasal drops. They are available over the counter and the saline solutions are effective, safe and non-irritating. With your doctor’s approval, you can put a few drops in your nose and blow gently to clear mucus. Repeat the process in the other nostril.

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diet. Protein is always necessary to keep the body healthy and strong. Remember to include lean meats, chicken, fish, beans, dairy, eggs, nuts and seeds in your menu to help your body recover.

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gargle. To relieve a scratchy throat, try gargling with an astringent drink such as tea. For a home remedy, mix two cups of hot water, one tablespoon of raspberry leaves or lemon juice and one tablespoon of honey. Wait for it to cool down.

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vegetable juice. If you don’t want to make a salad, drink a glass of low-sodium vegetable juice. You’ll replenish your immune system with antioxidants, plus you’ll stay hydrated. If you have a sweet tooth, drink 100% fruit juice.

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Garlic and ginger. Garlic can be a great ingredient to flavor soups. It appears to have antibacterial and immune-boosting properties and can relieve congestion. Meanwhile, ginger is often used to relieve nausea and stomach pain.

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chicken soup. In addition to fighting dehydration, some say this dish can also help relieve inflammation. If you have flu symptoms, remember to talk to your doctor.

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Be sure to follow these tips, they are simple tips that can help quickly relieve annoying flu symptoms.

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