new accusations against the singer

Rome, September 25 – The Lizzo scandal was already discussed last month with the iconic singer feminism contemporary accused of sexual harassment by three of her former dancers is now facing a new complaint, as also reported on the site Vanity Fair.

Lizzo, new accusation

This time the fashion designer speaks and condemns. Asha Daniels, who designed and curated Lizzo’s 2013 tour looks. This is not only about sexual harassment, but also about racism, as well as retaliatory firings and attacks. Daniels defines the work environment the same way as the singer’s other accusers, as a “toxic, dangerous and hypersexualized” place. However, according to court documents, in addition to the singer, chief costume designer Amanda Nomura and tour manager Carlina Gugliotta are also accused.

Hypocrisy at a new stage?

We’ll have to see how this story plays out, but it seems clear that trouble could fall “like rain” on Lizzo, as we’re already on our fourth complaint in just a month and a half. In this case, of course, the description of a “structure” defined as unhealthy carries more weight than an attack on Lizzo herself, since Daniels focuses primarily on Nomura, who, according to the complainant, repeatedly expressed “fatphobia and racism, as well as a number of insults in the spirit “you are stupid and useless”“. The sexual harassment was also visual: in a work chat, Daniels was forced to receive explicit images of male genitalia.

Aurelio Del Monte

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