New (and old) tips for saving money on your heating bills

New (and old) tips for saving money on your heating billsGetty Images

The cold is coming, and for many people, turning on the heating is a luxury.The heating system is Households consume almost half of the energywhich is why it’s important Reasonable use But don’t put comfort aside, especially if there are children or elderly people at home. In many cases, changing your spending habits is enough to save significant money on your electric and gas bills.


The Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) offers five tips:

1. Adjust the power. A large portion of what we pay on our bills is contract electricity: Every 1.15 kW of power is equivalent to almost 50 euros per year. This is why it is crucial to control the power of our contractions. If the power cords in your home never trip, even if you run the washing machine, oven, or dishwasher at the same time, there may be room to rent less power, thereby reducing your bills.

2. Check the rates. Time discrimination rates can be a great way to save.This rate is recommended if you can Concentrate at least 30% of the light consumed during off-peak hours (10pm to 12pm in winter, 11pm to 1pm in summer).Prices during off-peak hours are approx. 47% below normal, while prices are 20% higher during peak hours. For every 5% spent during off-peak hours, you will save nearly 3% on your bill.

3. Turn off the device in “Standby” state. The silent consumption of “off but on” devices is more expensive than it seems.Turning off all devices on standby (TV, computer, music equipment…) means savings 10% of total consumption. OCU estimates that the average energy consumption (3,500 kWh/year) results in a saving of €52.

4. Use household appliances intelligently. Choose a program that runs at low temperatures (heating water is when the greatest use is made).For example, choosing a temperature between 40 and 60 degrees for a washing machine means Save 40% electricity. For dishwashers, the Eco program operates at approximately 50 degrees Celsius.

5. Reduce heating costs. The temperature at home is more reasonable between 19 and 21 degrees. It is best to lower the temperature in the bedroom at night: between 15 and 17 degrees.More per degree Representatives increased by 7% in consumption. Good boiler maintenance can save up to 15% annually. Radiators must be clean and have no furniture covering them (which makes it difficult for hot air to diffuse).

Gas or electricity?

Installing a gas boiler is always more economical than choosing a diesel or electric boiler, especially a condensing boiler.Wrong decisions can mean Additional charges over €650 Year.

To help you choose OCU, we recommend:

– If your home has a piped gas supply, install a condensing boiler, which is 18% more efficient than a conventional boiler.

– No natural gas:

– If your apartment is smaller than 100 m² and you live in a temperate zone, it is enough to install a backup heating system: Combination of electric radiators or convectors Electric water heaters for heating and domestic hot water.

– If the apartment under 100 m2 is located in a cold area, it is better to install battery system Electric water heaters for heating (with time discrimination rate) and for domestic hot water.

– If you own a large single-family home and live in a temperate zone, your best bet is Install propane gas combi boiler, Comes in a bottle and is used for heating and hot water, as well as corresponding radiators. or electric convection systems, and electric water heaters for hot water.

– If this single-family house is located in a cold area, then this is a better choice Choose an electric heat pump (can also be used for air conditioners in summer) and hot water bottles.

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