New bird flu cases found in backyard birds

A family farm in Río Piedras in Metan culled 100 birds after confirming the presence of the H5 influenza virus, commonly known as avian flu, in backyard birds.

The bird eradication was carried out last weekend after lab tests confirmed the disease.

Raúl Díaz Pardo, Regional Animal Health Coordinator for SENASA in the provinces of Salta and Jujuy, assured that this is Second case of bird flu detected in province. The first time was in the first week of February, from backyard birds in the town of Cerrillos.

Pardo confirmed that the novel phenomenon was reported by a small-scale poultry producer who had intermittently detected poultry deaths about ten or twelve days earlier. “For backyard birds, they have more freedom of movement, so the infection is spaced out and clustered,” the official explained.

It is because of this specificity that the notification was deferred until received by SENASA. After receiving the notification on Thursday, the existence of the virus was confirmed on Friday, and he started work directly, disinfecting the place and monitoring it within a radius of about ten kilometers.

At the same time, in the next 28 days, including the two incubation periods of the virus, relevant monitoring will be carried out in areas with clinical and laboratory controls.

Likewise, commercial farms should maximize biosecurity measures to mitigate or avoid the risk of virus entry.

It should be remembered that the virus is found in birds, Does not mean it is present in consumer products such as meat and eggs.

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