New bird flu infection detected in sea lions in Chubut Province

he National Produce Health and Quality Service (Senasa) Confirm today New case of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5 detected marine mammal exist Shrimp, Chubut Province and Desired port, Santa Cruz. The agency’s national laboratory diagnosed new disease-positive samples taken from dead sea lions found at the aforementioned locations.

Positive cases of the disease have so far been detected in the province of Tierra del Fuego and the South Atlantic Islands in Antarctica, the first positive case of the species; Punta Bermeja Nature Reserve, Rio Negro; Buiyi North Aires Necochea and Santa Cruz Punta Loyola, Buenos Aires Mar del Plata and Chubut Puerto Piramides, Buenos Aires Clerome Co and San Blas, Rionegro San Antonio Este, Mayor of Buenos Aires Bratovic Spa Aires, Caleta Olivia, Santa Cruz, Madeleine Puerto Rico, Chubut and Sierra Grande, Rionegro and last Tuesday.

These findings come within the framework of nationwide surveillance actions and health measures to prevent the disease, stipulated in the emergency declaration of HPAI-Senasa Resolution No. 147/2023. It is worth noting that from the day Senasa received the notification of suspected cases, National health organizations, in collaboration with municipal, provincial and national agencies, implement intervention programs in these situations and coordinate health strategies and actions to contain outbreaks and provide information to entities.

Apart from, In the animal sampling programme, burial sites for animals killed by the disease were identified with local authorities to avoid any type of contamination or contagion from other animals or people.

The procedure means that if an animal develops symptoms or dies, Senasa must be notified so it can go to the scene to assess the situation. If applicable, sample and send to laboratory. Then he started burying the dead animals.

In positive cases, action is taken with municipal and provincial governments to bury dead animals and track and monitor sick animals. Senasa clarified that no sanitary sacrifices or euthanasia will be performed on wild animals.

Likewise, Senasa pointed out Recent detection in marine mammals does not affect self-declared animal health status to the World Organization for Animal Health (OMSA)Argentina is considered a country free of highly pathogenic avian influenza in poultry.

Senasa continues to cooperate with different regions as well as national, provincial, municipal organizations and production departments, A state of alert remains in view of the behavior of the disease and the pattern of transmission and transmission.


Senasa advises against handling dead animals or animals showing suspicious symptoms. Likewise, producers, institutions, and the public are reminded that notification must be made if high mortality, neurological, digestive, and/or respiratory symptoms of susceptible species are found in wild birds or in commercial or backyard poultry.

It is also advised not to travel to poultry farms or wildlife habitats after exposure to dead or symptomatic animals.

notification channel

According to Senasa Resolution No. 153/2021, avian influenza is a notifiable disease in our country and anyone who notices dead, neurological, digestive and/or respiratory symptoms in wild or domestic poultry can notify the agency through the following channels:

Go in person to the nearest Senasa office and call the number 11 5700 5704; pass Mobile device application “Senasa Notifications”, available on the Play Store; write to email or via the “Notify Senasa” section on their website. More information on the Avian Influenza microsite.

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