New campaign to prevent influenza for users of Estepona telecare services

New campaign to prevent influenza for users of Estepona telecare services
Old man with flu.

With the onset of cold, the chances of contracting illnesses such as the flu or cold also increase. As winter approaches, more people are getting colds, so it’s important to remind the most vulnerable people how to avoid the flu virus.

Estepona City Council launches a new campaign targeting users Remote care services The goal is Encourage good habits to fight the flu virusSymptoms of the disease are primarily high fever, muscle aches and headaches, chills and dizziness, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, difficulty breathing and a dry cough.

Through this initiative, the company Tunstall Televida informed about 50 seniors and dependents from Estepona in a personalized way, explains Paula Herrera, deputy mayor of the Sociocultural Zone. How to prevent this disease. In addition, these individuals are monitored over the phone by the remote operators who make up this service.

exist. .between suggestion Steps to take to avoid the flu virus are to stay as little as possible around people with flu symptoms, wash your hands frequently, stay in crowded places as little as possible, and constantly refresh the air in your home by opening windows frequently. Additionally, if you have a chronic disease, it’s important to keep it under control to reduce your risk of complications.

Likewise, it is recommended go to the doctor If you think you have the flu: If you notice trouble breathing, pressure in your chest or abdomen, persistent dizziness, confusion, or a fever over 38 degrees, especially if you have a chronic illness or are morbidly obese. Remember, you can contact a remote care service for advice or assistance.

To relieve symptoms, if you have this disease, it is recommended to avoid overeating and eating fat, drink more water, eat more fruits and vegetables, take medications as prescribed by your doctor, rest as much as possible, stay at home, and avoid crowded places, at least Wait until the fever is gone and 24 hours after you stop taking the medicine.

Finally, the City Council reminds us that health authorities recommend Get a flu shotespecially for people over 65 years of age, as well as people with chronic cardiovascular, pulmonary and/or renal disease, and people with anemia and/or morbid obesity.

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