New cases of bird flu detected in Ecuador, but economic in wild birds | News

On the afternoon of Thursday, November 16, the Ecuadorian Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG), through the Agency for Regulation and Control of Plant and Animal Health, reported that a new outbreak of avian influenza has been detected in Ecuador, this time in the province of Manabi. agricultural quality). However, these outbreaks have been documented in wild birds, not backyard birds or in state production sites.

Agrocalidad assured that the country’s poultry production is safeguarded as these new positive cases come from wild birds and not from any commercial zone. Likewise, the country’s backyards have been shown to remain free of the disease for 90 days, and commercial production sites can remain free of the disease for 110 days.

After three months with no new cases reported, agriculture ministry believes bird flu is under control in country

The agency also noted that 13.6 million poultry have been vaccinated to date, but they urged poultry farms to continue adhering to implemented vaccination programs and to adopt extreme biosecurity measures to mitigate the impact of the disease.

In May last year, MAG assured that the disease was under control, highlighting this at the 90th World Congress of the World Organization for Animal Health (WHO) in Paris. Minister Eduardo Izaguirre stressed that to date, 6.3 million poultry have been vaccinated and more than US$2.7 million has been invested to control disease outbreaks.

According to Agrocalidad, the farm where the bird flu outbreak was last detected has been approved for vaccination

From November 2022 to February 2023, avian influenza affected 1,193,491 birds on farms in five provinces in the Sierra Leone region, most of which were used for egg production. According to Agrocalidad, so far, 15 bird flu outbreaks have been detected on 20 farms: 9 in Cotopaxi, 7 in Tungurahua, and 2 in Bolivar, Pichincha and Azuay, one each There is one farm in each province. However, on July 27, a case was confirmed on a farm in Salcedo state, Cotopaxi province.

The agency said it monitors the vaccination process on poultry farms as a measure to contain avian influenza, with the aim of maintaining animal health in the poultry industry in Cotopaxi province. (Yo)

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