During the summer, many people develop gastrointestinal disorders that lead to diarrhea due to prolonged sun exposure, due to changes in diet, or due to increased intake of soft drinks and such beverages. Children tend to be more susceptible to these diseases, and the most common cause is usually a viral infection or an infection caused by bacteria or parasites. The duration is variable, typically a few days. People often mistakenly believe that isotonic drinks can rehydrate the body and replace fluid and electrolytes lost through stool.
However, this is nothing more than a false myth. This is emphasized by the specialists at the Pediatric Service of the Quirónsalud Hospital in Bilbao, who advise that, in case of diarrhea, “fluids should be replenished frequently, especially after each episode. In mild cases, it is possible to drink as much as needed Drink. In more severe cases, with large amounts of liquid stools, an oral rehydration solution, which we call a pharmacy oral serum, is recommended,” details pediatrician Raquel Fernández.
Isotonic drinks, lemonade, fruit juice, or soft drinks are not suitable for treating diarrhea, nor are medications or antibiotics recommended to stop diarrhea. “If you have a fever, take a fever reducer. And, always under expert supervision, consider probiotics, as some can shorten the duration of diarrhea,” he adds.
“We call it diarrhea when the stools are soft or liquid, richer and more frequent than usual,” the expert explained, noting that it may be accompanied by abdominal pain, fever and/or vomiting. Dehydration may occur if stools are very large, liquid, and frequent. “Observation is important. When we notice that they are depressed, very thirsty, urinating less, have a dry mouth, cry without tears or have sunken eyes, that is a sign they are dehydrated.”
Pediatricians warn that it is imperative to see a doctor if vomiting is repeated and cannot be tolerated; if there are signs of dehydration; if you are very depressed or generally ill or are excessively thirsty. Regarding the possibility of feeding, he points out that, eating enough, fasting is not necessary, although “children with diarrhea usually have a poor appetite”. “We can provide you with foods that you can tolerate, all the time without compulsion, avoiding foods that are high in fat or that contain a lot of sugar,” he points out.
Finally, he explained that if a child is prone to vomiting, start with small doses of oral saline every five minutes and gradually increase the amount as tolerated. When he stops vomiting, you can start giving him some food, while not forgetting the fluid contribution.