no hollywood commitment returns

Impromptu Italian lesson the godmother Caterina Murino conducts with Sardinian tenacity. Damien Chazelledirector la la land AND Babylon, someone used to direct, so to speak, Emma Stone and Brad Pitt, declaring the 80th Venice International Film Festival open. Two ministers in the hall: Gennaro Sangiuliano AND Matthew Salvinicame with my girlfriend Francis Verdini in a lurex tuxedo, nude bra and stylish kiss on the red carpet Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez. And then President of the Veneto Region Luca Zaya with his wife and the mayor of Venice Louis Brugnaro with lady. Geography of seats in the Sala Grande at the premiere of the film on the evening of 30 August Commander Edoardo De Angelis, chosen after Luca’s forced withdrawal from the film They earn Pretenders he will bring as dowry Zendaya and screaming girls near the Palace, this will also be the result of a tough ceremony, but it seems to be specially designed so that Zaya and Salvini do not even touch each other: there are three people between the vice-premier and the president of the party. Region. Except for the words in the ear during the film, in short.

Strike over the Lido

In the year in which it strike screenwriters, but above all, Hollywood actors turned off the spotlight by turning on the beacon on our stars, the commitment returned to the hall. It happens right away DeAngelis with a film where the appeal is lend a hand to those in the seawhoever it was. Salvini before the movie, he doesn’t say anything, entering the cinema, he only says that he “glad to be here“. So happy that he responds the next day by calling the press to talk about Cinetel’s data on receipts. Commitment is also a word that can be used to read the godmother speech written at the Biennale: “Welcome also to those who are not here, because they are committed to protect your work“. A reference to the American strike that hung on the Lido all day. In the morning, three jurors from Venice,80 led by Chazelle, introduced themselves to the press with T-shirt that has already become a cult, dedicated to the strike and a pin that glittered and said to the world, “We fight for you.”

the Red carpet

Commitment in the dining room, detachment and a bit of luxury outside, on the red carpet, which marks a modest turn from what it was Nude look dominated last year. Supermodel Maria Carla Boscono in red, she seems to be walking down the catwalk in gapier; Lazza, the rapper loved by the kids around the building, shows off the usual silk summer Bermuda shorts that match the tunic and are adorned like an open toolbox just in case. Among our local stars Pierfrancesco Favino, the protagonist of The Commander, plays our George Clooney in a black shirt and black suit: “An anchor tattoo? At my age, you have to be careful that it doesn’t get worse.” Robert CicuttoPresident of the Biennale, in his fourth and likely final year in office, flaunts self-confidence but is annoyed Liliana Cavani when she blames the Biennale from the stage for being the first woman to receive an award: “You are not the first, Liliana …”. But the first Italian director – yes.

He should have gone to Sala to present his film, but he would not give up Venice. Luca Guadagnino, which in a few days will also be rewarded. And the public? Last year he praised American stars, dreamed Timothy Chalamet it had to happen. This year the boys asked Jane Campion, among the members of the jury who signed the dissertation; another asked Chazelle to sign the poster La La Land. Autograph samples, scratching scratching, of course. Lazza, Favino, Chazelle. Women make a choice longbut there are exceptions. Cavani walk the red carpet in white gym shoes (but luxury); there wife minister Sangiuliano chooses a 50s dress with black floral motifs printed on a white background. You see politicians in no particular order: Matthew Renzi with his wife, Agnese, he wanted to be there because for him, Salvatore Todaro, the commander of the Navy mentioned in De Angelis’ film, is a real hero and should be remembered; chairman of the cultural committee MolliconeDeputy Minister of Culture Lucia Borgonzoni. Luke Barbareschi makes his first try on the red carpet, gets sent back and comes back again. There are those who seek Vittorio Sgarbibut the volcanic deputy was in the cinema at the first screening of Cavani’s film Order of time with Claudia Gerini. Afternoon and red carpet stainless show Valeria Marinibut these are flashes of the mundane that tend to disappear, being replaced by more politics and some personalities that young people might like. As an influential person Mestre Alice Campello, in black, called Armani Beauty. And let it all begin.

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