No One Can Save You, a sci-fi thriller starring Kaitlyn Dever on Disney+

“The Home Invasion Nobody Expected” is the title of the Italian trailer published by 20th Century Studios. No one will save yousci-fi thriller, written and directed Brian Duffieldarrival September 22nd on Disney+.

Main character Kaitlyn Dever like Brynn Adams, a girl separated from her community, trapped in a solitary but not hopeless existence within the comfortable confines of the home in which she grew up. One night, a noise leads her to believe that there is a break-in… and in fact someone is infiltrating her world, but it is a real alien invasion that she cannot help but resort to helping herself to cope with. And nothing more.

“I wanted the film to start out as an intimate character study and then get hit by an alien invasion,” he says. Brian Duffield “The end of the world will not only be experienced by those who are prepared to face it, and the idea of ​​a film about aliens suddenly bursting into the bubble that our character spent years building and cultivating seemed like a unique way to tell the story that was in my heart.” I think there is a deep-seated feeling that any alien invasion movie might be true because they remain unknown in our daily lives. As our world spirals further out of control, perhaps there is a wish that there was something smarter than us out there who could help us find our way back. The aliens in No One Will Save You are superior to humans in every way, which makes Brynn and her amazing resistance a little embarrassing.”

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