No, this mural of Messi doesn’t say “Aguante Massa”; photo has been altered

If you only have a few seconds, read these lines:

  • In the days leading up to the runoff, thousands of social media users shared a photo of a Lionel Messi mural with the words “Aguante Massa, Foros” added to it. forros), referring to the presidential candidate of the Patriotic Union. But the image was changed.
  • Reverso confirmed there was no phrase on the mural a day after the photo with the alleged intervention went viral.
  • On November 18, the mural author himself confirmed that the mural had not been interfered with by information beneficial to Massa.

“Massa militants burned and destroyed Messi’s mural because Messi did not show support for Massa”read published in Xformerly Twitter.

Street paintings show the striker holding a World Cup and Argentina jersey. On his chest was engraved this inscription in black letters: “Hold on Massa, Lining”.

The content is also copied to Facebook, Instagram and digital publications. But this is a montage.

A reverse search of this photo yielded a very similar photo without any political inscription, publish The mural was posted on Instagram in June 2023 by user “pintor.1”, who confirmed to AFP on November 17 that he was the mural’s author. The work is located in Villa Ballester, at the intersection of Provincial Road 8 and Vicente López Street, Buenos Aires Province.

Search this location using Google Maps’ Street View option Street painting record Starting in August 2023.

17 November, AFP – Coordinating media for the alliance with Chequeado Cancel– got engaged local businessmanwho spoke on condition of anonymity. He confirmed there were no phrases alluding to Sergio Massa on the mural It sent several images as it approached the location between 2:36 and 2:42 pm local time.

No, this mural of Messi doesn't say
Picture of Lionel Messi mural taken by local residents on November 17, 2023

On the same day, a user on shared There are no records of street paintings of Massa’s phrase.

On November 18, Painter.1, the author of the mural, sent AFP a photo taken that morning, confirming the absence of the sentence.

No, this mural of Messi doesn't say
Photo sent by Painter 1 (author of the Lionel Messi mural) on November 18, 2023 in Route 8 and Vicente Lopez, Province of Buenos Aires

Search by text “Mural”, “Messi” and “‘Route 8′” leads to The original image Interventions will then be made to create misinformation. It was posted on Reddit on November 16, 2023, and is the oldest record discovered by Reverso.

AFP Facts Verified False information content argentina elections.

This annotation is Cancel, Coordinated collaborative journalism projects checked and AFP The group has joined forces with media and technology companies to step up efforts to combat disinformation during the campaign.

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