Non binary. Demi Lovato Abandons Neutral Pronouns: “It Was Exhausting”

Demi Lovato
Demi Lovato

The singer, who identifies as non-binary, reflects on her decision to return to using feminine pronouns.

For Demi Lovato Use of neuter pronouns (they them) had become “fatigued”.

In an interview with GQ Hype Spain, the singer talked about her decision to re-adopt feminine pronouns last year, despite the fact that in 2021 she revealed she identified as non-binary.

“I constantly had to educate people and explain to them why I identified myself with those pronouns. It was absolutely exhausting,” the 30-year-old explained. “I was tired, but that’s one more reason to spread the word.”

«I have to choose “female” because there is no other option»

The former Disney star then spoke about the need for non-binary people to find neutral spaces such as public restrooms.

“It’s something I deal with every day. For example, in public restrooms. I have to use the women’s room, even though I don’t fully identify with the female gender,” she explained. “This happens even when I have to fill out gender assigning forms or government documents. You only have two choices, boy or girl, and neither of them make sense to me.”

“I have to choose ‘female’ because there is no other option. I think this needs to change. I hope that with time there will be more options.”

The singer came out as non-binary in 2021 during an episode of the podcast “4D with Demi Lovato”.

“Over the past year and a half, I’ve done healing and contemplation work. Through it all, I’ve come to realize that I am non-binary. That said, I will officially change my pronouns. they them», the pop star said in August 2022, before returning to feminine pronouns.


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