Norovirus tops expert rankings of foodborne viruses

Experts rank norovirus as the leading cause of viral foodborne illness, followed by hepatitis A and hepatitis E.

At a recent meeting organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), scientists ranked the clinical severity of hepatitis A and E viruses at the same level as, but higher than, norovirus. Virus.

In September, at the request of the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene in 2022, the FAO/WHO Joint Expert Meeting on Microbial Risk Assessment of Food Viruses (JEMRA) was held in Rome, Italy.

It focuses on food attribution, analytical methods, and metrics. A summary of the findings has been released, with the full report to be released at a later date.

The scientists reviewed literature on foodborne viruses published since the 2008 JEMRA report on the topic and information submitted in response to the call for data.

Viruses and food combinations
Foodborne viruses are ranked according to frequency and severity, as well as the types of foods associated with the greatest public health concerns.

Virus-commodity pairs associated with the highest global public health burden include prepared foods, frozen berries, and norovirus shellfish. For hepatitis A, the foods are the same, but in a different order, with shellfish first and then prepared foods. For hepatitis E, pork ranks first, followed by game. However, scientists say there are considerable regional differences.

Data are lacking to rank foods contaminated with astroviruses, sapoviruses, enteroviruses, enteric adenoviruses, and rotaviruses. Scientists say countries should step up investigations into foodborne illnesses and foods containing these viruses.

Norovirus is estimated to cause 125 million cases of foodborne illness and 35,000 deaths worldwide each year.

Hepatitis A virus is believed to cause 14 million cases and 28,000 deaths each year and is a reportable disease in some countries. For hepatitis E, there are no global estimates of cases caused by food.

Experts also discussed viral testing methods in outbreak investigations and product testing as part of surveillance and monitoring strategies.

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) methods are widely used for the detection of norovirus and hepatitis A virus in various commercial products. Methods for the detection of hepatitis E virus in meat products are under development.

Current standardized methods are based on detection of viral nucleic acid, which does not necessarily indicate contagiousness. Methods may be limited by factors such as food complexity and low contamination levels. Research is also needed on indicators of viral contamination.

Experts recommend that countries consider building capacity, supporting training and adopting methods to detect viruses in food and the environment.

“This approach has the potential to enhance understanding of food attribution, support risk analysis, and reduce the global burden of viral foodborne illness,” they said.

International Atomic Energy Agency and FAO Program
Meanwhile, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and FAO have launched a new initiative.

Atoms4Food will support countries in using nuclear technologies to increase agricultural productivity, reduce food losses, ensure food security, improve nutrition and adapt to the challenges of climate change.

As part of food security, nuclear technology can be used in different ways. Irradiation ensures food is protected from pathogens and extends its shelf life.

Through the initiative, the IAEA and FAO will provide assistance in seven areas, including food safety and control services, with individual assessments of a country’s laboratory capabilities and food hazard monitoring capabilities.

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