Number of people affected by gastroenteritis outbreak in Tarazona reaches 408

Number of people affected by gastroenteritis outbreak in Tarazona reaches 408Tarazona City Council

those affected gastroenteritis outbreak The number detected in Tarazona has risen to 408 casesa number that has grown again over the past 24 hours, indicating Disease transmission remains active.

Pathology-causing protozoa have been found in supply networks, after latest water analysis confirmed not yet ​​hall, which Continue to search for the source of pollutionStrengthened the cleaning and disinfection of water tanks, pipes, decanters, etc.

Drinking tap water is still prohibited and from the Council Continue to distribute bottled water to the public This Thursday and tomorrow Friday. From 12:00 noon to 2:00 pm and from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm, the playground and neighborhood association will deliver a bottle of 6 books to each family. In addition, it will be distributed to the residents of La Faceda.

On the other hand, an outbreak of acute gastroenteritis was reported in this Thursday’s public health epidemiological bulletin. 29 affected residents in a house in Zaragoza A total of 109 pieces are on display.Additionally, they were reported Three COVID-19 outbreaks in three residential centers There are 12 confirmed cases among residents in the province of Huesca, all with mild symptoms.

Finally, it was confirmed measles cases In the province of Zaragoza. Close contacts have been identified and appropriate measures have been taken. The case is “not related to the imported measles cases reported in the Basque Country,” the advisory said.

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