Number of people tested for syphilis and HIV increased by 60% in two years

Data released by the province’s Ministry of Health compared the first half of 2023 to the same period in 2021.They believe that searches for these diseases are more aggressive

The provincial Ministry of Health reports that HIV and syphilis tests conducted in the first half of 2023 are more than 60% higher than in 2021 and more than 21% higher than the same period in 2022. , ensuring that the increase is accompanied by strengthened epidemiological surveillance and more active case hunting.

They also warn of an increase in the incidence of HIV and active syphilis in the general population between 2021 and 2022, a phenomenon linked to improved surveillance strategies and specific health conditions following the pandemic. COVID-19.

In a separate order, health authorities highlighted coverage levels for pregnant women living with HIV. In this sense, they believe that there is an upward trend in the proportion of pregnant women receiving antiretroviral therapy before delivery, with this figure reaching 93% in 2022 and remaining unchanged in the first half of 2023; exceeding the target of 95%. Furthermore, they noted that this target has been exceeded in terms of perinatal prevention coverage for boys and girls in pregnant women living with HIV.

Growth also expected in 2022

Number of confirmed HIV cases among perinatally exposed boys and girls; 4 positive cases were recorded, giving a transmission rate of 3.6%.

Two cases of congenital HIV have been confirmed so far this season. However, they assured that the gap between the registration of perinatally exposed persons and that of their mothers was actively narrowing compared to previous years. Currently, of the 69 notified pregnant women, 70 perinatally exposed individuals are being followed up.

In terms of syphilis surveillance, as of the 35th epidemiological week, a total of 1,218 maternal cases have been monitored, including 1,010 confirmed cases. Compared with 2022, when 1,118 cases were confirmed, this is a decrease of 9.7%.

At the same time, there were 878 perinatal follow-up exposure cases during the same period (the 35th epidemiological week), an increase of 30.8% from the 671 epidemiological surveillance cases last year. As of the cut-off week, 16 cases of congenital syphilis have been confirmed, and the remaining exposed persons will continue to be monitored until the cases are eliminated or confirmed.

For Chagas disease, the nominal number of notifications of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in pregnant women improved in 2022 and 2023 compared with 2021. There are currently 92 confirmed cases.

The report was presented last Monday at the mother-to-child transmission situation room of the province’s Ministry of Health, with the participation of Gabriela Barbás, the province’s health minister, and Theresa Sturt, the province’s director of communicable disease control. Teresa Strella; Vanesa Kaynar and Ariel Adazko, from the National HIV, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Viral Hepatitis and Tuberculosis Response Agency.


On this occasion, progress is made on the next virtual course in Córdoba on the comprehensive approach to the elimination of mother-to-child transmission in Córdoba, aiming to provide health teams with the latest information and promote good diagnostic and treatment practices For the control of perinatal infections caused by HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and Chagas virus.

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