Number of wolves and sea lions killed by bird flu rises to 400

Sea lions and sea lion carcasses found off the country’s coast in recent weeks Avian Influenza According to reports from various ministries, there are already 400 atmosphere and Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries (MGAP), monitor the epidemiological situation.

These dead specimens have appeared in the ocean along the coast of Uruguay, and about 350 of them have been buried to prevent the spread of the virus. Atlantic and the Plata River. On September 5, the first dead pinniped was found in Playa del Cerro de. Montevideo.

“This situation is now evolving and we attribute this to Avian Influenza“The head of the wildlife area of ​​the Ministry of Environment explained, Carmen Lezagoyan. “This disease cannot be controlled. We have to wait for people’s own immunity to kick in, but we don’t know when that will happen,” he added.

exist Uruguay, the total number of sea lions and sea lions (“Arctocephalus australis” and “Otaria flavescens” respectively) is approximately 315,000.The colony is located in wolf islandin the department Maldonadowhere there are about 180,000 wolves and about 3,000 lions, Rocha’s Polish Cornerwhere approximately 120,000 wolves and approximately 12,000 lions live.

Lezagoyan said the contagious disease is still being studied and asked people not to approach the animals if they spot them to prevent the spread of the virus. “If you take your pets to the beach, they must be kept on a leash,” he stressed, urging authorities to be notified if any marine mammals are spotted on the coast.

this Avian Influenza (H5 viruses) can cause severe muscle, neurological, and respiratory effects. It is spread through the mouth and respiratory tract, and through secretions and excreta. It is able to survive in the environment for a period of time, depending on humidity, solar radiation and wind.

he Ministry of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries According to reports, in Uruguay There are currently no public cases or outbreaks Avian Influenza In production, backyard or wild birds. He also clarified that fish stocks were not at risk.

“Test results in marine mammals do not affect self-declarations of animal health status to the World Organization for Animal Health (WHOSA),” MGAP said in a statement.

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