Obama’s statement on Gaza: We are all complicit

Former US President Barack Obama made striking statements regarding the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip. Obama said in one of the programs he attended: “If you want to solve the problem, you have to understand the facts.” He said. Because of what happened “No one’s hands are clean” Obama stated, “We are all complicit to some extent.” He said.

“The Hamas attack was horrific, but what happened to the Palestinians is unacceptable.”

While the former US leader condemned Hamas, he also expressed his understanding for what innocent civilians in Gaza are going through. “What Hamas did was terrible and there is no justification for it.” Obama said and continued:

“The truth is that the occupation and what is happening to the Palestinians is unacceptable.”

“We could not achieve final peace in the Middle East”

Obama also said that the conflict in the Middle East “Ethical accountability for all” He added that:

“All of this is happening in the context of decades of failure to achieve a lasting peace for both Israelis and Palestinians. A peace based on true security for Israel, recognition of the right to exist, an end to the occupation and the creation of a viable state. Statehood and self-determination for the Palestinian people.”

“Body images force us all to seek moral recognition.”

62-year-old politician. “Let me admit now that it is not possible to remain neutral in the face of this massacre.” He said:

“It is very difficult to be optimistic. The images of grieving families and bodies being recovered from the rubble force us all to a moral reckoning.”

(Tags for translation) Israel

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