Old but gold: Cinema’s coolest old men

For two years now, World Grandparents and Seniors Day has been celebrated on the fourth Sunday of July (don’t be confused, keep in mind, October 2nd is Grandparents Day). The relationship between generations is also dear to cinema, as evidenced by two completely different films that recently arrived in our cinemas: on the one hand, the sequel to book Club, over 70 reading groups (including Jane Fonda, Diane Keaton, Candice Bergen and Mary Steenburgen) collected $104 million from the first chapter; on the other plan 75who represented Japan at this year’s Oscars and who portray aging in the country as a national emergency, so much so that the state is forced to intervene.

If on television, meanwhile, we laugh (Kominsky method And grace and frankieContinuing the legacy of the comedy series on Netflix hot in cleveland And invincible heart), melodrama in cinema is perhaps the genre in which the transmission between posterity and ancestors has been most investigated: on the golden lake, in 1981, weaves pearls of wisdom between a shy man and his nephew; It grossed $120 million and won three Oscars (it’s no coincidence that Henry Fonda’s Oscar was collected by his daughter, Jane). Certainly, ten years earlier, the tone was different between Harold and Maude (she was eighty, he was eighteen with the passion of funerals). But it is true that horror cinema is also grappling with this subject and this is an example above all meeting by M. Night Shyamalan.

Feature films and animated series take on a different chapter, often from the perspective of a young man in training: he lets himself be guided by his grandfather’s advice (heidi) or Grandma’s (also in the Willow version: see pocahontas) or the spirit of the great-grandmother (Coco, With reasonable exceptions: Because some relatives more closely resemble old Abe the simpsons,
The following ten movies are available across all platforms to celebrate the day on July 23, featuring elders now alone, now with their offspring.

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
mel stuart1971 – on now

In a bar of the famous Wonka brand, Charlie Bucket receives a golden ticket that allows him to tour the title’s chocolate factory: he deserves +1, and chooses to bring his Grandpa Joe. However, the book by Roald Dahl on which the film is based (published only seven years earlier) was entitled Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and not Willy Wonka: but here the hero is Gene Wilder, in that role first Johnny Depp, and now Timothée Chalamet. Ahead pure fantasy, A song that became iconic throughout the film, the Oscar-nominated soundtrack also featured the song. candy manFronted by Sammy Davis Jr.

hanging out with daisies
Bruce Beresford1989 – Pluto on TV

72-year-old Daisy Worthen – retired teacher, widow, Jewish – lives in Georgia with her housekeeper Idela until, after a car accident, her son buys her a new car and a (black) driver whom she doesn’t take kindly to: despite this, they spend twenty-five years together. Originally a Pulitzer Prize-winning play (which Morgan Freeman had already performed on Broadway), the film was nominated for 9 Oscars and won 4: Best Picture, Screenplay, Makeup and Performance by Jessica Tandy, who (then 80) became the oldest actress to win an Academy Award.

i break up
dino rice1990 – On Replay

Memories rain for former bank manager Augusto Scribny, who after more than eighteen years leaves the psychiatric clinic in which he was hospitalized and goes to live in a house that belongs to him, but where someone else lives (his daughter-in-law, his new partner, his daughter). He also meets old employees and the secretary, but prefers to spend time with his nine-year-old niece, Rosa, who he is forbidden to call Grandpa and so accompanies him until the end. In his final feature film, Dino Ricci directs Vittorio Gassman, Dominic Sanda, Eva Grimaldi and twelve-year-old Valentina Holtkamp. Music by Academy Award winner Francis Lai.

little Miss Sunshine
Valerie Faris and Jonathan Dayton2006 – on Disney+

A Volkswagen Transporter travels 1,300 km to Redondo Beach, California, where a beauty pageant will take place to choose the title Little Miss Sunshine (“Little Miss California” in the Italian version). On board are Toni Collette, her husband Greg Kinnear, her brother Steve Carell who survived a suicide attempt, her stepson Paul Dano who has taken a vow of silence, and her father-in-law Alan Arkin, who was kicked out of a retirement home for sniffing heroin. Dada thus trains title contender, Abigail Breslin, who was nominated for an Oscar at age ten; However, the statue will go to him, who passed away on June 29 at the age of 89.

mid august lunch
gianni di gregorio2008 – On Prime Video

Gianni (Di Gregorio) lives with his widowed mother, a decadent aristocrat, in an apartment in Trastevere that both struggle to maintain: they are virtually in debt, and when the condominium administrator arrives to collect another fee, the solution to eliminate all obligations also appears: hosting the officer’s elderly mother for two days on 15 August while she is at the spa. However, the old ladies went from two to three, and then four… Silver ribbon for the first work of Gianni Di Gregorio and David di Donatello, screenwriter among others Gomorrah by Matteo Garrone (who repays the favor here as producer).

pete doctor2009 – on Disney+

Behind the loathing of Carl Fredricksen lies a child who was a big fan of explorer Charles Muntz, and then a man who probably never mourned his wife, Ellie. To which they promised that they (along with the entire household) would go to Paradise Falls in South America. Russell, a young Scout trying to earn his Elderly Care badge to complete his medal collection, accidentally finds himself in the house when the building is tripped up: the misfortune will be a lesson to them both. The first Pixar film rendered in 3D, it should have been called Helium. He won two holy Oscars out of 5 nominations.

Michael Haneke2012 – On Prime Video

The late Jean-Louis Trintignant and Emmanuelle Riva play Georges and Anne, a couple of retired music teachers over 80 who have a daughter (Isabelle Huppert) who is often on tour for concerts. The elderly woman begins to show signs of dementia, which makes her more dependent on her husband: he refuses any kind of help, support, transfer to the hospital; until a new stroke reverses the situation. Inspired by the experience of director and screenwriter Michael Haneke’s aunt, it is one of the 250 best films in the history of cinema according to Letterboxd: it won the Palme d’Or at Cannes, two BAFTAs, an Oscar and a Golden Globe, among other things.

Ella and John – The Leisure Seeker
paolo virzi2017 – on replay

since 27 years Bethune – Legendary Hero, Helen Mirren and Donald Sutherland find themselves on set playing a couple who escape palliative care through the title’s Leisure Seeker, a camper who drives them from Boston to Key West, where he wishes to visit Ernest Hemingway’s home. In short, a plunge into life, and not an escape as many think. In competition at the 74th Venice Film Festival, this is the first film in English by our Paolo Virzo, based on the novel. traveling against traffic by Michael Zadoorian (published in Italy by Marcos y Marcos). Golden Globe nomination for Mirren.

Farewell – A Good Lie
lulu wang2019 – To rent on YouTube, Apple TV, etc.

After ascertaining that her grandmother is short-lived due to lung cancer (about which she knows almost nothing), a Chinese-American family organizes a reunion in the form of a wedding: Billy, an aspiring New York artist, also attends, who (she) wonders how right it is to hide the truth from the old lady. Written and directed by Lulu Wang, who also plays piano on the soundtrack, was directly inspired by her own family experience. The Golden Globes nominated rapper Awkwafina, who recently lent her voice to the seagull Scuttle, for Best Actress in a Comedy. Mermaid and in Sisu raya and the last dragon,

father – nothing is as it seems
florian zeller2020 – at infinity

Eighty-year-old Anthony Hopkins, in the midst of senile dementia, claims he doesn’t need a carer, quite the contrary: The maid has stolen his watch. When his daughter, Olivia Colman, visits him, he tries to convince her that the housekeeper is necessary, as she and her partner are moving to Paris. But which comrade is he talking about? British-French co-production based on the play by Florian Zeller, here his directorial debut and (surprisingly) the Oscar winner for the adapted screenplay. Even for the Oscars and BAFTAs Sir Hopkins – without whom the film would not have been made – who stole the statue from the late Chadwick Boseman.

(TagstoTranslate) Hanging out with Daisy

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