Ona Carbonell defends fight for women’s rights in sport

The former swimmer and olympic medal winner Ona Carbonell, current president Spanish Olympic Committee Fertility and Sports Commission (COE)this Thursday highlighted the new proposal they want to perform to prove right Athletes who choose to be mothers.

“We have been fighting for a year and we will continue. Two days ago, we wrote a letter to the International Olympic Committee hoping to get approval, in which we asked for special care for mothers of babies between 0 and 18 months old. , setting up a breastfeeding room in the Olympic Village and demanding that ranking sports be frozen for at least 18 months.”The Catalan said at the Marca Women’s Sports Awards night.

“Serena Williams said this at the time. If your ranking is not frozen and you get to No. 300, you don’t have a scholarship or even qualify for the Olympic trials. In that sense, there is no mediation.”Carbonell gave an example to highlight the last proposal they wanted to apply.

The former swimmer also spoke about her sport, synchronized swimming, which she believes “There have been some changes to the way the scoring is done and it seems more fair to me because now the best wins regardless of who competes better and I think that’s good because it brings more to our sport Excited and they are outstanding.”.

The Barcelona native retired from the pool last May and was awarded Marca awards Citius, Altius and Fortius awardsand admitted that he was very excited since receiving such recognition “Reflects sacrifice, work, time and years”.

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