Once again, YPG, it’s safe to say that it’s 13 days old when it comes to life – Assayiş today

PKK/YPG forces have been targeted by their armed forces in Syria.

PKK/YPG, Halep, Sheikh Maqsoud Mahallesi, EAA’yı (13) Judge who died in combat.

You can’t help but feel comfortable in your home.

The PKK/YPG has been targeted in Belgium.

Next time, 2022’de 1200 chocuğu zorla kaçırarak saflarına kattı

Birleşmiş Milletler (BM), Ocak-Aralık 2022 dönemine ilişkin “Yıllık Silahlı çatışmalarda çocuklar” Raporunda terör örgütü PKK ile Suriye uzantısı SDG and YPG’nin, 2022’den 1200’den fa The “asker” button is also closed.

The Syrian PKK was targeted from the SDG with 637 people and the PKK/YPG and SDG with 633 people killed in armed clashes.

“It’s about HPG/PKK asking for dead terrorists. rakmaya davet ediyorum,” BM Secretary General António Guterres said. ifadelerini kullanmıştı.

BM was created by PKK / YPG “Mazloum Abdi” Ferhat Abdi Sahin Aracinda Hazeran Code 2019 I have a lot of people who want to be able to do this, so I can’t help them.

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