Opticians warn about what colored contact lenses can do to your eyes

On Halloween, just like on Carnival, It is common to purchase and use colored or fantasy cosmetic contact lenses as clothing accessories.. Many of these are purchased from places that do not guarantee eye safety, so the General Council of the College of Opticians-Optometriologists warns of the risks these accessories can pose to vision. Always visit an eye care facility and use them under professional supervision.

As they explain, this is due to “the irresponsible and in many cases unapproved use of these accessories, It can cause irritation, conjunctivitis, allergic reactions, and in more extreme cases, vision loss.“.

These non-corrective lenses are designed solely to change the appearance and color of the eyes and are readily available, especially over the Internet, in bazaars, beauty centers and other unauthorized venues. There are no health safety controls or guarantees of any kind.

“ICosmetic contact lenses are legal, personalized and fitted health products., so its handling and prescription must correspond to that of a health professional, such as an optician-optometrist. “

How to use them correctly

In addition to purchasing contact lenses in specialized centers, A series of recommendations must be followed to avoid problems:

  • Visit your optometrist for a personalized prescription and adjustments.
  • Cosmetic contact lenses are often used as a supplement to other beauty products such as cosmetics, so they should be worn before applying makeup and removed after makeup is removed.
  • Since it is a specific accessory, it is important not to use your cosmetic lenses for longer than specified.
  • Clean contact lenses carefully and regularly.
  • Store lenses in suitable lens holders and replace them at least every three months.
  • Only use products recommended by your optician/optometrist to clean and disinfect lenses.

Masks, cosmetics and false eyelashes

Colored contact lenses are one of those accessories that can damage your eyes if used incorrectly, but they’re not the only one. Makeup is another source of infection and eye injury.. because? According to opticians, “improper use can promote the growth of bacteria and fungi.” Therefore, “it is recommended to use cosmetics that are suitable for the eye area, do not allow them to collect dust or stains, and wash your hands before applying makeup.”

As for mask and mask,warn “These can limit vision and lead to trips or falls.” They are advised to “maintain adequate ventilation so that contact lenses remain in the open without causing discomfort.”

Finally, please remember “Extra care must be taken when using false eyelashes or wigs, as they release tiny particles that can get into the eyes, as well as items that contain dyes and chemicals that can irritate the eye area. “

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