Our Lady, Tom Brady, My Daughter, and You: The Power of Witness

Without people like Brady, Belichick will achieve nothing; without people like Belichick, Brady can only go so far. There is a spiritual lesson here.

Jesus alone is enough—but Jesus is not alone. This is the first of four reasons why I dedicate myself to Mary.but what happens next?

I think I found the answer while watching the Patriots’ inconsistent performance after their star quarterback departed and watching my oldest daughter’s children.

It’s all about the power of the witness.

Let’s start with Tom Brady.

Before quarterback Tom Brady left the Patriots, one of the big debates in the NFL was over: Who, quarterback Brady or head coach Bill Belichick, had the most impact on the team during his 20 seasons with the team? Greater responsibility for six Super Bowl wins? But now it seems the debate has been settled. After his departure, Brady won another Super Bowl while Belichick and the Patriots failed.

So, it turns out Brady does deserve the credit, right? Not so fast.

In fact, I think Brady’s Patriots have two things they need to achieve their lofty goals: a great master and a great practitioner.

Belichick made football his lifelong study, but he needed Brady, and Brady made him play soccer His life’s work, dedicated to his vision.Belichick’s leadership in film room is necessary, but won’t work without Brady mirror His leadership in the locker room. Belichick called the game from the sidelines. But Brady’s words mean nothing if he doesn’t put them into practice on the field.

Without people like Brady, Belichick will achieve nothing; without people like Belichick, Brady can only go so far. Belichick needed Brady to win, and Brady needed Belichick to win for 20 years.

The same principle manifests itself in better ways with our children.

My wife and I have nine children, and our eldest daughter is Tom Brady. My wife is a genius when it comes to parenting principles. But his genius required a witness to make his ideas noticeable and imitated. This is where Cecilia and Olivia come in.

Our oldest daughters are good girls who have a personal drive to do the right thing, which allows Mom’s genius to exist outside of her head. Since then, I’ve noticed that the ease of raising children has a lot to do with the principles of the parents, of course, but the other part of the equation is the freedom commitment of the oldest child. A great game plan with stray kids would fail; a good enough game plan with committed kids would be a dream.

Their actions determine whether principles are pie in the sky or pearls of great price.

This principle manifests itself in a special way in Jesus and Mary—not just in her.

Jesus Christ, true God and true man, consubstantial with the Father, is sufficient in Himself. He is unique, both Master and Manifestation – He is the Incarnate Word, the Way and the Walker, the Truth and the Voice of Truth, the Life and the Abundant Life.

But he wanted a witness who was different from him but informed by him, a witness who showed that his path could exist in every life situation. Jesus is the carpenter and Mary is the mother; Jesus is the preacher and Mary is the contemplative; Jesus is the healer and Mary points out his needs.

Mary was nothing without Jesus, and her virtues were revealed to a large extent through the preaching of her son. You can study her life and get a live version of Our Father, as well as beautiful examples of the life of the Beatitudes.

But this doesn’t just apply to Mary; Every saint is a witness to the same.

Jesus wanted to show working people that he could be trusted, so he chose Peter; he wanted scholars to be relatable, so he chose Paul. He chose explorers, lacemakers, civic leaders, slaves, royalty, merchants, and victims of crime. He sends them to witness in every nation that the gospel works in every walk of life and becomes a model for every socioeconomic category—from the ancient world to the digital age, in every place and in every age witness his life. Childhood to old age.

Every faithful Christian is the answer to the question posed by a skeptical world: Is the way of life proposed by Jesus possible? Is it a pie from the sky or a sky-high price pearl?

Now He has chosen you.

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