Oysters and whiskey: the best places to try them in Ireland

st.and you can’t get to Galway during the festival, the healthfulness of oysters and seafood can be checked by booking visit one of farms in the area. AND possible consult L’list on the website belonging Board of Directors of Iaskai Mhara – Irish Seafood Development Agencyin a mythical place like ancient Moran’s Oyster Cottage or make a few stops along the way Galway Seafood Trail. There the choice is varied and you can choose a rustic but vintage pub Which Ty Nichstein, opened in 1894, or for a stylistic minimalism that acts as a counterpoint to the richness of tastes star Aniyar in the West End of Galway.

ANDg, it is by dwelling on the topic of thematic routes that we come to whiskey. It was in Galway open exactly the one that is dedicated to this distillate – Galway Whiskey Trail – and offersthe opportunity to discover the city’s whiskey scene and From a sip several tastings The most famous Irish distilleries. For give it up was bottled a special spirit, Galway Hooker, available at all points along the route. st.make it easy and as for seafood, it is carried out independently.

mtogether 12 places that play a significant role in the city’s whiskey heritage, touching the best bars and shops. Each stage of the journey has a unique charm and its own story. whiskey lovers they will be fascinated variety of offers and hospitality of the pub according to Sonny Molloywhere you can dive into story Persse Distillery or where to find also hosts i chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4 Midleton’s, Silent Distillery collection, The Rarest Irish Whiskey Ever Made.

Several places to eat deliciously whiskey

dTo Freeny you can choose between one selection of local whiskey and much more, in a cozy space that until recently also served as a grocery store. Also not to be missed King’s head, located in an 800 year old building which medieval windows and a fireplace have been preserved here and which is also one of Galway’s main music venues.

TOOther stops along the way include Garavan’sA local man famous for his whiskey which has delighted visitors for generations. Award Winning Blake’s Corner Bar, which offers whiskey tasting”Four Corners of Ireland“. AND O’ConnellWhere Ed Sheeran shot a video for his hit Galway Girl.

Puh world tour are you coming from An Pukanwho can boast more large selection of whiskey cities. With the beyond 200 varieties of Irish whiskey, as well as Scotch, American and Japanese whiskey and other countries of the world.

Withhow easy it was to imagine meeting point between seafood route and Irish whiskey route exists and is represented of two historic pubs: Ty Nichstein And Sonny Molloy of which also deserves special mention The most expensive Irish whiskey tasting in the world. It costs 2,750 euros and brings together real rarities of excellent quality that are almost impossible to find.

Recommendation for couples

PTo fulfill them as best as possible it is recommended to have food evaporator For No destroy the taste of oysters how it happens when you do it Tabasco drowns by mistake. drive It should be light and gentle, With a couple of splashes simple and approximately At a distance of 15-20 centimeters to dissolve the alcohol and feel only the aromas.. Accident a sip must be done strictly after tasting oysters and he had time to be intoxicated by the complexity of his aromas. When Apartment in Galwayalso includes hazelnut nuances, Ideal for spirits with slightly spicy notes.

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