With a baby, things usually stay the same

dear nephew mirambo Greetings from the land where soon every home will need to own a boat. My dear son, I wish all the best to you and your family and all in my beloved Ukunbi Siganga by the grace of Lima Tunda. I wish … Read more

cancer immunotherapy

Harvard researchers reveal discovery that could revolutionize cancer immunotherapy.A Harvard Medical School research team discovered that a molecule produced by bacteria Streptococcus pyogenesThe bacteria that cause strep throat and other infections may play a key role in cancer treatment. The research was published in Journal … Read more

Best Tips to Boost Your Immune System

In the hectic pace of modern life, where daily demands can be overwhelming, health becomes a priceless asset. One of the most important guardians of our health is the immune system, a complex network of cells and proteins that works tirelessly to protect us from … Read more

Israel Hokometi, Türkiye’yi Karalama Peşinde!

Cumhurbaşkanlığı Életişim Başkanı Fahrettin Altun, İsrail Başbakanı Benjamin Netanyahu Noon Turkey Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdogan, was following social media. Alton, Israel Hokomitinen Türkiye hakkında dezenformasyon yaydığını beliirterek şunları dile getirdi: “ISRAIL Başbakanı ve Dışişleri Bakanı, sivillere karşı işledikleri savaş suçlarından kaçmak i This may be … Read more