“Ca-co”, Candela Pérez’s secrets to becoming a great runner

“Ca-co”, Candela Pérez’s secrets to becoming a great runner Walk at least 10,000 steps a day Enhance heart function and burn extra calories and the traditional Mediterranean diet, which does not lack vegetables and combines carbohydrates with protein It is the health formula of Candela … Read more

Food shortage may be factor in deaths, bird flu ruled out

Following the deaths of 17 flamingos in Lake Brava days ago, the provincial government and experts provided details at a news conference about research into the birds, local water and land affecting their habitat. Additionally, they reported that this was a “multi-cause event” and that … Read more

“Ca-co”, Candela Pérez’s secrets to becoming a great runner

Walk at least 10,000 steps a day Enhance heart function and burn extra calories and the traditional Mediterranean diet, which does not lack vegetables and combines carbohydrates with protein It is the health formula of Candela Pérez (Bigastro, Alicante, 1993) Stay in shape and stay … Read more

How to unclog your ears the easy way

It’s a more common discomfort than you think, and sometimes the task of unclogging your ears may not be that easy if you don’t have the right information. For example, one of the most common mistakes is trying to unclog your ears with a cotton … Read more