Paina, Lazzaretto’s “wonderful” relic disappears

Residents of the area noticed this in the evening in San Lorenzo, during the rosary.

Intense bitterness among the inhabitants of the San Lorenzo area in Paine over the disappearance of a miraculous relic from the church of San Lorenzo.

The people of San Lorenzo noticed this in the evening.

Church theft. The relic of San Lorenzo disappeared in a small church on Via Corridoni in Paine. It was on the day of the saint’s jubilee, Thursday 10 August, that the inhabitants of the historic district noticed this: they gathered in the old church of Lazzaretto for the traditional reading of the rosary, when they noticed that the wooden relic, which seems to have been made during the plague of 1600, was no longer on the altar.

It’s considered a miracle

The sacred ornament was made in accordance with the traditions of the area, simply as a token of gratitude for having survived the plague. The elders also say that this is a miraculous relic, since in the past it saved a resident of the area from death. Since then, the inhabitants of the surrounding area have always carefully kept it in a small village church, and also took care of its preservation.

religious value

An important facility for families and seniors in the area who immediately took action to report her missing and hope they can find her.

“The relic is precious, but it has no great economic value,” says one of the residents of the area, “however, for us it is a sacred object, an object of deep worship, to which we are very attached. We have always carefully kept it; It is believed that its origin is even related to the plague of the 1600s and that it is also a miracle. The little church of San Lorenzo, where the relic of Lazzaretto was kept, is always open, anyone can stop to pray and venerate it; he is usually kissed by the faithful on the occasion of the feast of San Lorenzo. For us it is very important”.

Residents of the area hope that it can be returned

The residents have already contacted the carabinieri to report the theft and hope that he will soon be able to return to his post. They also posted signs outside the church in the hope that it would be returned. However, if they do not find it, they are ready to make a small reproduction of San Lorenzo, since for the inhabitants of the area it is a symbol of faith and prayer, which is part of their tradition.

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