Palestinian Minister of Health Mai Alkaila in an interview with TRT News

The number of deaths and injuries in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7 is increasing day by day.

Bombing hospitals, wounded, sick, premature babies, allegations of tunnels in hospitals, and Turkish aid…

Palestinian Minister of Health Mai Al-Kaila answered questions from TRT News correspondent Murphy Gunness about the situation of hospitals in Gaza and current developments.

He added, “Most of the dead were women, children and the elderly. This is a war against civilians.”

Minister Mai Alkaila provided the following information about the latest situation in Gaza:

“If we look at the recent situation, we have a lot of martyrs, very many. We have more than 14,000 martyrs and more than 30,000 wounded. There are a lot of people under the rubble. More than 6,000 people are missing, and 1,800 people are missing.” “Among them are children. There are no martyrs or wounded and most of the victims are women, children or the elderly. What this means is that this is a war against civilians. This is absolutely unacceptable. This is against international law and international humanitarian law.” “, The third and fourth are those that leave civilians, hospitals, schools, children and women untouched.” It is also in violation of the Geneva Conventions. Unfortunately, this is not applied in Gaza. International law, international humanitarian law and the Geneva Convention are being violated in Gaza. The important thing is to stop this war.”

“Al-Shifa Hospital is under occupation, and this is the first time in history.”

Mai Al-Kaila explained the latest conditions in Al-Shifa Hospital as follows:

“Unfortunately, Al-Shifa Hospital is the largest hospital in Gaza and the one to which patients are referred throughout the region. Because it is a very important hospital with doctors who specialize in their fields and advanced equipment. Al-Shifa Hospital has hundreds of beds. Therefore, it is the most important hospital in Gaza. What “Unfortunately” It is currently under occupation by the Israeli army. This is the first time in history. Some patients could not be evacuated because their condition was not suitable for evacuation. Al-Shifa Hospital became the center of the occupation. We condemn this in the strongest terms.”

“28 children were referred to Egypt for treatment”

Mai Alkaila said the following about the condition of premature babies:

“There were 39 premature babies in Al-Shifa Hospital, and unfortunately 8 of them died. 31 babies were scheduled to be transferred, but 3 of them were left because their health condition was not suitable for transfer. 28 babies were referred to Egypt for treatment.”

“26 hospitals are out of service, and the remaining hospitals are insufficient for the population.”

The Palestinian Minister explained that 26 hospitals were out of service, and said: We have 9 hospitals with a capacity of 1,200 beds, and the number of beds is certainly not enough for the population, and in this case more beds are needed. He added: “Therefore, these hospitals are not sufficient for our needs,” adding that “the hospitals are located in southern Gaza.”

“Humanity is the loser in this war.”

Minister Mai Al-Kaila responded to allegations that Israeli forces attacked hospitals because there were Hamas tunnels underneath them:

“Norwegian doctor Mads Gilbert has been volunteering at Al-Shifa Hospital since 2009. Before the attack on Al-Shifa Hospital, he contacted the neutral committee and asked them to come to the hospital and check. This is the logical thing to do, come and check.” If there is anything, then take action. You will get it. This is the logical thing. That is why we demand rational decisions.
Humanity will be the loser in this war. “Especially women and children.”

“The surgery was performed at Al-Shifa Hospital without anesthesia or antibiotics.”

Mai Alkaila said: “Doctors perform very difficult and sacrificial duties in light of the Israeli bombing. What are their conditions?” He answered the question as follows:

“There is no medicine, no medical equipment, no electricity, which is very important, and no fuel to run the generators. It is really a very difficult task. For example, last week in Al-Shifa Hospital, they performed a surgery without anesthesia or antibiotics. These problems must be solved as quickly as possible, especially for women, “because there are 5,000 women who will give birth this month and this is a disaster. It will be a real disaster. Not only for the mothers but for both the mothers and the children.”

“I thank the president, the state and the Turkish people”

Minister Mai Alkaila sent the following messages to Türkiye and the Turkish authorities:

“I want to thank Turkey for transporting the wounded and cancer patients to Turkey. I thank the president, the state and the Turkish people, I thank you all. Because I know that the Turks have always supported the Palestinians. We always thank that from our partners in our hearts, we always keep that in mind.” We also thank Turkey for the field hospital. Which you will establish in the field and support the health care system in Gaza.”

(Tags for translation)Palestine – the Israeli conflict

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