Paul CS Pisticci warms up the engines again

Pending the official press release from the club, after the signing of Mr. Lavecchia’s extension, the entry of Giuseppe Carlone and Nico Mercorella into the club and the start of sports training, Paul CS Pisticci, with a social note, announces the following:

“The engines are starting to warm up for the next season: the first friendly match of the season took place in the Pala Olympia, full of spectators, against the Ferrandino Sports Academy, one of the most accredited teams in the jumping category. In a friendly atmosphere, the Aragonese squad prevailed with a score of 4-1.

These are the words of Mr. Antonio Lavechchia: “I have a new and very young team, but the feeling is good, as are a lot of emotions. We have a lot of work to do. I believe that we are not ready yet, but the club knows how to move and if opportunities arise, it will certainly not hold back, and given the unpredictability and passion that new sponsors Giuseppe Carlone from GICA ICE and Nico Mercorella bring to the game from FECIP STORE, surprises are always around the corner.

This year I am accompanied in this adventure by technical specialists, but above all by very valuable friends: Giancarlo Carioscia, Nicola Albano, as regards the first team and junior teams, Mino Masiello and Adele Forte, as regards the football school, without forgetting great work. backstage with Antonio Massimo Lopergolo and Giovanni D’Onofrio. The ingredients and desire to grow are already there, and now it’s our job to bring yellow to the forefront.”

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