Pediatrician talks about phlegm in children: “Let him cough”

he Winter and its low temperatures They cause children and adults to suffer from flu and cold symptoms for weeks.Mucus and nasal congestion become two of the most common and uncomfortable symptoms and can lead to phlegm.

this phlegm They are forms of mucus that can accumulate in the throat.this The lungs and respiratory tract are responsible for secreting This substance can be protective to some extent.for expel excess mucus appears cough as a mechanism in our body.

this Pediatrician Carmen de la Torre (@pediatracarmendelatorre) Posted a scroll that solved the problem with There is mucus in the child’s throat. And the doctor himself has assured many parents that he is consulting on issues related to phlegm in the throat.

“This is completely normal and no syrup can remove mucus from your throat”

One of the cases the doctor saw was a 24 month old baby has a lot of mucusa normal situation that occurs for some reason cold.this happened cold secretion stagewhen the disease begins refer to I’m feeling better now.

One way to identify it is when we observe that they are less crowded, but we Clear mucus by coughing.

No syrup, just water

Tower’s Comparing mucus elimination systems in children and adults. It’s completely normal to have phlegm in your throat during the last few days of a cold.

While urging everyone to remain calm, doctors also remembered If the child is in good spirits, does not have a fever, or has trouble breathing, which is completely normal. By the same token, this is normal for children. Vomiting, swallowing, or passing phlegm through feces.

if we want to take Measures to relieve mucusWe can only keep the little guy watery And wait for the mucus to clear.

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