Photos of Carlos Bremer playing football with Michael Jordan when he was young

Carlos Bremer, a beloved Mexican businessman, died at the age of 63 after collapsing in his office in Monterrey and being hospitalized a few days ago.

Internet users, politicians, athletes and artists mourned the death of the businessman, who was also known for his appearances on “Shark Tank” and being a close friend of Luis Miguel.

Netizens remembered the charm of Carlos Bremer and looked back at photos of the businessman in his youth.

Who is Carlos Bremer?

Carlos Bremer was born on June 1, 1960 in Monterey. His grandfather was born in Germany, arrived in Matamoros, Mexico and opened a pharmacy. Later, he moved to Monterrey and opened a store called “Druguería de León”, which was taken over by his father, who later founded the first sporting goods store in the city called “Casa Bremer”.

He has been passionate about business since childhood, opening his first bank account at the age of 10 and starting his first business at the age of 12, selling calculators to different businessmen every year.

merchant Attended Monterey Institute of Technology Engineering, then moved to Accounting.

In 1979, at the age of 19, he went to work at the Grupo Banpaís agency. Then, when he was 25, he teamed up with other businessmen to found Ábaco Casa de Bolsa, a company that later became known as Grupo Financiero Confía. In 1993, he founded Value Grupo Financiero and served as director until the last day of his life.

Photos of Carlos Bremer when he was young

On social networks, they recalled what Carlos Bremer looked like in his youth and revisited some photos of him playing golf with sports star Michael Jordan.

The story goes back to the 1990s, when Carlos Bremer went to a resort for vacation and discovered that a celebrity golf tournament was being held there. So after investigating, he managed to contact the organizers and invite him to the game, and they told him which celebrity he wanted to play with, and he mentioned superstar Michael Jordan.

The chances of that happening were slim, but the next day the businessman got a call because he was going to be on the court with the athlete.

Carlos Bremer connected with Michael Jordanan and from there they became good friends and met regularly to play golf.

In other photos of young Carlos Bremer, the businessman appears to be playing baseball, looking very happy and smiling while holding a bat about to hit the ball.

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