photos of christina marino

his day 32nd birthday – May 31, 2o23 –, Christine Marino she shared Instagram A picture who portrays him beachtogether with Son a few months old Noah Robert, The actress showed a moment of relaxation through social media: lying on a bed by the sea, she holds the little one in her arms born in February of this year from union with luca argentina, an image that is also an occasion to admire them beach styleFrom nails to make-up, between outfits and beauty choicesstyle hair, Marino has really given L’correct inspection that teaches us how to wear hair at the beach To be fashionable and comfortable at the same time. and then, we’re left with make notes for next summer 2023,

Christine Marino also has a mother nina speranzaThe eldest born in 2020, always from father Luca Argento. actor of DoctorWell established in the panorama of Italian entertainment, wanted to celebrate Wife Congratulating them publicly. “Congratulations my love… we have just begun”, she wrote alongside the couple selfie, which was also taken at the beach. For her part, the actress commented on the dedication With red heart and fire emoji. The duo has many fans who are waiting to know what exciting surprises the future holds for them.

How to style your hair at the beach in summer 2023: Christina Marino’s double chignon

Christina Marino’s hairstyle on the beach It’s a trendy and chic solution to show off during summer 2023, What’s even more intriguing: It’s neither a classic queue, nor a traditional chignon, but it is A perfect idea to give your look a unique and original vibe, some of you may have already seen double chignon on the head of the actress Miley Cyrus: In the past, pop stars have actually created gods bread Loaf (also called space bread) its trademark. very simple to make, they are a special edition of classic chignon And, for more accurate result, you can use a doughnut specific, but making sure it’s a model Small, And if you want to be even more daring, go ahead with fabulous decorations like these retina,

super small donut hair ring


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Set of 5 Beaded Bun Hair Net



(translated to tag) summer hairstyles 2023

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