Pneumonia in Children and Infants: Symptoms and Treatment of this Respiratory Illness | Family

pneumonia The World Health Organization revealed that it accounts for 14% of all deaths in children under 5 years of age. In fact, this disease killed 740,180 children worldwide in 2019 alone. Therefore, it is important to understand what it is and how to combat it.

“We are made up of different unique organs that are all part of the integrity of the body. In the special case of the lungs, when an infection occurs that changes the structure, that is, microorganisms invade the tissue and produce changes, “We’re talking about pneumonia” Founded by Dr. Julio Muñoz, a medical auditor in Pacífico Salud.

Munoz added that pneumonia, depending on the severity, may lead to changes in respiratory function because it affects patients differently. “We are surrounded by different types of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi. Any one of them can enter the body and become infected, causing pneumonia,” he added.

In the words of Alfredo Pachas, medical director of the Peruvian Center for Respiratory and Pulmonary Diseases, there is a group of people who are more susceptible to the disease. “Among them, Smokers found, Patients with asthma, heart disease, kidney failure, cancer, immunocompromised or those who drink”, projection.

According to the World Health Organization, pneumonia accounts for 14% of deaths in children under 5 years old.

What are the symptoms of pneumonia in children?

According to Dr. Alfredo Pachas, The more severe the symptoms, the greater the degree of pneumonia. “It is known that pneumonia can be serious, especially when risk factors are present or the child is under five years old,” he added.

Muniz noted that some pneumonias only affect the lower third of one lung. According to experts, this small basilar pneumonia has symptoms like a fever Will feel chilly, but will not affect respiratory function. despite this, If the pneumonia has covered two-thirds of the lungs or has affected both lung bases, There is pneumonia compromise It affects 30% of the lungs, thus affecting respiratory function and creating a need for more oxygen.

When it comes to children, Dr. Pacífico Salud mentioned that while the rules remain the same, the symptoms may be different. “If we are talking about a small child, such as a newborn, the neonatologist must recognize increases in respiratory rate, changes in blood and oxygen saturation,” specific.

Symptoms of pneumonia in children

  • cough
  • fever
  • Difficulty breathing
  • accelerated breathing
  • Lower the chest when inhaling

What are the symptoms of pneumonia in babies?

As for breastfeeding children, most of the time they will have fever and nasal congestion, and some patients will also develop bronchitis. “In this case, the young child doesn’t know how to express himself, so he may exhibit constant crying and changes in behavior. “You can’t assess the symptoms, but you can assess the signs,” The doctor said.

Dr. Patchas asserts that among behavioral changes, in addition to an increase in breathing rate, a child may appear less hungry or unwilling to play. “We have to keep a close eye on these situations because children inherently have fewer defenses than adults, so Children under five are at much higher risk“, he claimed.

Experts point out that adults give more guidance when speaking when making a diagnosis, but when it comes to children, A more thorough evaluation is necessary because you may have difficulty putting your feelings into words. In some cases, the disease can also be diagnosed with X-rays or blood tests.

What are the treatments for pneumonia in children?

First of all, it must be remembered that Treatment depends on the microorganism causing the pneumonia. Bacteria and viruses are the most common, according to Muniz.

According to the World Health Organization, pneumonia should be treated with antibiotics. In this sense, they note that the first-line treatment of choice is usually amoxicillin dispersible tablets. The World Health Organization says most cases require oral antibiotics, which are usually prescribed at health facilities by appropriate specialists. In severe cases or in the event of pneumonia, consider hospitalization.

“In addition to treatment, prevention is also very important. Therefore, I recommend Parents are responsible for setting a vaccination schedule their child”, said the doctor at Pacífico Salud.

Along these lines, Dr. Pachas concluded that some habits are also part of prevention, How to dress warmly when the temperature is low, how to wear a mask when colleagues have a cold, drink lots of fluids and Wash your hands often, Habits we developed during the pandemic.

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