Ponte Morandi, relatives of the victims of the collapse: a forgotten massacre

TO Newspaper.net talks about pain that shows no sign of relief. “It is hard on the heart to realize that the tragedy could have been avoided. The confirmation that follows from the court: the situation has been known for years, and no one has done anything. It is amazing to realize how many people knew, doubted and did not lift a finger. It makes our pain unacceptable. To know that our loved ones were the martyrs of the bridge, but that millions of people risked becoming one of them, is unacceptable. The disproportionate profit received by the company is unacceptable. Knowing that we will never get an answer is unacceptable. That the ministry has never verified is unacceptable. A capable and impartial engineer was enough to avoid tragedy.

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The committee is a civil party in a trial involving 58 defendants. between former managers and technicians of Autostrade and Spea, officials of the Ministry and the Supervision of Public Works. The trial began a year ago and will reach a verdict no earlier than 2024. “We work hard, for five years we have not given up a single step. Very important things came up at the trial, but we don’t talk about it at the national level. If we manage to reach the end with this strength, we will do everything in human power. We expect truth and responsibility to be clearly recognized. The prosecutor’s office and the Financial Guard have done a great job, wiretapping is necessary. If the process reaches a consistent conclusion, perhaps this will become a deterrent in the future, and Italy will be able to regain some of the lost dignity.”

Egle Possetti says no one has ever apologized. “Never admit guilt for the past. And the state abandoned us even after the collapse. We have prepared a draft law, which we have already submitted to the Conte government, and we ask for its approval. Our loved ones must be recognized as victims of neglect. The bill provides protection for the weak, a small donation that supports litigation for victims so that they are not forced to accept compensation and refuse to participate in the process as a civilian party. We are not in the courtroom for money, which is, after all, the only thing we will be entitled to, we are there to talk, to influence the search for justice.”

Giovanna Donato, ex-wife of Andrea Cerulli, a 47-year-old port worker, one of the 43 victims of the collapse of the Morandi bridge, in an open letter talks about the last 5 years. “Five years is a very long time. For five years, the process that began just a year ago is still ongoing, two responsible companies managed to agree and exit the process, but justice has not yet triumphed, during this time many governments have changed, many words, many promises, but no one has taken responsibility for what happened.”

More: “For five years, it was possible not to remove the recall from the guilty dealer, but to liquidate it beautifully, there is still no memorial, no revival of the area, first abandoned and then devastated by the tragedy; public information has forgotten the shame of this national tragedy, making it invisible to the eyes of all Italians.

He concludes: “Five years is indeed a very long time, especially for a mother who has to raise her child alone. But despite the fact that five long years have passed, the memory of August 14th, the rush to get the news, Andrea’s phone turned off, the prayers, that phone call, the choked tears, that plane ride to the dramatic truth, Cesare’s cry. .. this memory cancels the past five long years, because it lives in me, in all of us, every day“.

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