Pope cancels today’s agenda due to ‘mild flu’

The Vatican announced earlier this Saturday that “the Pope’s audience scheduled to be held this morning was canceled due to mild flu-like condition. Among his planned meetings is a meeting with Guinea-Bissau President Umaro Sissoko Embalo.

at present The Angelus still stands Sunday morning. In addition, the Pope plans to meet with all current bishops of the Spanish Episcopal Conference on Tuesday.

Francisco, who will be 87 years old On December 17 next year, he will occasionally cancel the trip. On September 6, after a normal thirty-minute meeting with the President of the government of Father Aragones, at the next public meeting he decided not to read out his planned speech because, he explained, “I am not in good health .” He did not cancel any subsequent hearings that morning.

Sources close to the Pope confirm that this may be due to Vaccine side effects It has been provided to him.

“In good health”

Just this week, he addressed the pope’s health. ophthalmologist Fabio Bartucci, an Italian of Argentine origin, is said to care for Bergoglio and played an unofficial role in the pope’s phone call to Javier Milei last Tuesday.

Bartucci explained to Argentina’s Continental Radio that the pope is currently in “very good health.” “I found him to be very good, I met him several times but he was not in the best shape due to his knee and abdominal surgeries. I saw it, very hard, Overall, the face is spectacular. “It’s been a while since I saw him so clearly,” he explained. He also revealed that the Pope needs glasses to see up close, but he can see clearly from a distance.

Likewise, in an interview broadcast on Rai public television on November 1, the pope reflected on his current state of health.He said that although he needed wheelchair Regarding long-distance travel, “the knee problem is improving and now I can walk well.” He also recalled that he “had two stomach surgeries: the first (July 2021) for transverse colon diverticulitis, They remove a few centimeters of intestine and then when they open your abdomen, what happens. Another time (June 2023) they took a shower there. I watched the video of the surgery. The only thing missing was soap. They Washed away the adhesions that had formed. “Now I’m fine, I can eat anything.” “

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