Pope Francis catches cold but continues with his agenda

Francisco just had a common cold, that’s all. This morning, while receiving a delegation from the European Conference of Rabbis, the Pope avoided reading a speech he had prepared for the occasion for fear of straining his throat. “Thank you for this visit, I enjoyed it very much. But it happens that I am not in good health, so I would rather not read the speech, but give it to them and let them take it away.” He apologized.

The rest of the morning, Francisco Continue to implement the planned agenda, These include another visit from a member of the House of Mercy of Gela (Sicily) or the President of Catalonia, Pere Aragonés. So this afternoon he will meet thousands of children at a large conference.

In the text adopted by the rabbis, Pope He first talked about the situation in Gaza. “Violence and war are once again erupting on this Earth, blessed by the Almighty, seemingly constantly opposed by vile hatred and the noise of deadly weapons.” Similarly, he stressed that “the proliferation of anti-Semitic demonstrations is worrying and I express Firmly condemn.”

building peace

In the same regard, he added: “Not weapons, not terrorism, not war, but compassion, justice and dialogue are the appropriate means of building peace.”

On the other hand, regarding Dialogue with Judaism, recognizing that “this is particularly important for us Christians, Because we have Jewish ancestry. Jesus was born and lived as a Jew; he himself was the first guarantor of Jewish tradition in Christianity, and we who belong to Christ need you, dear brothers, we need Judaism to understand ourselves better. ” Therefore, “it is important that the dialogue between Judaism and Christianity keeps the theological dimension alive while continuing to address social, cultural and political issues,” he added.

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