Pope Francis has no fever, flu symptoms significantly improved

The head of the Holy See’s press office said a CT scan the pope received over the weekend “ruled out pneumonia.”
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“The Pope is in good and stable condition; he has no fever and his respiratory condition has improved significantly.” This is the latest news on the Pope’s health released on Monday. Matteo BruniDirector of the Holy See Press Office.

he pope francisco As he said in a speech delivered via video conference on Sunday, he suffered from “inflammation of the lungs” Angelus Sunday.

Bruni confirmed that a CT scan the pope received early Saturday afternoon at the Gemelli Hospital on Rome’s Tiberian Island “ruled out pneumonia but showed inflammation in the lungs causing some difficulty breathing.”

“To increase the effectiveness of the treatment, a cannula needle was inserted for intravenous antibiotic treatment,” Bruni said.

Rescheduled event
Bruni added that “in order to facilitate the Pope’s recovery, some important commitments scheduled for the coming days have been postponed so that he can devote the necessary time and energy.”

However, he said, “Everyone else has been maintained, either due to the nature of the institution or more tolerable given his current health condition.”

On Monday, Francisco met with the President of Paraguay. santiago penaat his residence in Casa Santa Marta.

On Sunday morning, the pope prayed the Angelus via video conference in the chapel of his residence at Casa Santa Marta to avoid being exposed to the autumn cold outside the windows of the Apostolic Palace.

“Today I cannot look out of the window because I have inflammation problems in my lungs,” he said before some 12,000 people gathered in St. Peter’s Square. “This reflection will be read by Bishop Breda, who knows them well because he is” he wrote Well written and always well written. Thank you very much for visiting. ” Next, Mgr Paolo Braida, director of the Office for the Coordination of Apostolic Lectures of the Secretariat of State of the Holy See, read the prepared catechesis, and Pope Francis offered the final blessing. +

» Full words of Bishop García Cuerva

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