Pope Francis interrupts Vatican address due to ‘mild bronchitis’

Pope Francis was forced to interrupt a speech at the Vatican on Friday.

Appearing before a group of French experts, the pope was visibly affected, halting a speech he was delivering at the Holy See.

“I want to read the entire speech, but there’s a problem. I have a bit of bronchitis. If you don’t mind, I’ll give you a copy.” The supreme leader of the Catholic Church said in a broken voice.

It’s worth remembering The 87-year-old religious figure suffered an acute lung infection towards the end of 2023, causing him to cancel a planned trip to Dubai for the COP28 climate summit and forcing his aides to spend weeks reading his speeches.

At the time, the Vatican issued a statement updating information on the health of the Argentine pope.

“The pope does not have a fever and continues to receive appropriate treatment (for the bronchitis he suffers from). He is improving,” the Vatican said.

The situation led Francis to abandon hosting the Angelus from the window of the Apostolic Palace in St. Peter’s Square to “avoid exposure to changing temperatures,” according to a Vatican spokesman.

The Pope’s spokesman said: “Although the Pope’s overall clinical condition of influenza and respiratory inflammation has improved, doctors have asked the Pope not to travel to Dubai as planned in the coming days.” The Vatican mentioned at the time, Matteo Bu Rooney.

The pope underwent surgery to remove part of his lung as a young man and has had growing health problems in recent years, ranging from persistent pain in his right knee to a recent hospitalization for bronchitis.

Those events, in turn, continue to fuel speculation that Jorge Mario Bergoglio may choose to retire rather than serve for life as his predecessor, once Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, did.

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