Pope Francis recovers from acute bronchitis but does not attend Angelus

vatican city. For the second consecutive Sunday, pope francisco did not attend his welcome appearance at the window St. Peter’s Square, But in televised comments, he said he was feeling better, although he did not have the voice to read the full comments aloud.

As he did last week, Francisco He made very brief comments in the chapel of the hotel where he was recovering from what he described as a situation. infectious bronchitis. Thousands of spectators watched the projection on a large screen in St. Peter’s Square.

Francis, who turns 87 this month, also said he was paying attention to the United Nations climate conference in Dubai. The Pope was scheduled to attend the COP28 conference on Friday and speak to those present.

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When he appeared at the church for the first time on November 26, he said he would go despite being ill. But he canceled the operation on doctor’s orders and remained in the Vatican, where he has been receiving intravenous antibiotics.

“Good morning, dear brothers and sisters. Today too I cannot read everything. “I am improving, but my voice still cannot read everything,” Francisco said. Then he handed the microphone to a priest, after The reporter read out written comments that included comments about the war between Israel and Hamas.

“It is regrettable that the truce has been broken,” Francis said in comments. “It means death, destruction and suffering.”

He called for the release of the remaining hostages kidnapped by Hamas in its October 7 attack on Israel, and lamented the lack of basic needs in Gaza following Israel’s military offensive in Gaza.

Also read ‘I am alive’: Pope Francis abandons COP28 due to acute bronchitis

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