Pope Francis’ shocking response in Italian TV interview

Lionel Messi anyone Diego Maradona.to pope francisco They asked him the question that currently dominates football debates not just in Argentina but around the world.It’s him The eighth Golden Globe Award The Rosario star has in many ways restored this option and the logical thing would actually be to enjoy having two of the best players in our country. beyond any opinion, The Pope didn’t shy away from the question and was surprised by his answer.

“I’d say number three, Bailey.”this was Pope Francis’ response when he was the director of TG1 (RAI1 news program), Gian Marco Chiocchiasked his preference for the two Argentine world champions.

“As a player, Maradona was a great player. But as a person, he failed and it didn’t help that the poor man slipped among those who praised him. He was at his first Meet me here this year. The pope died tragically after coming to power. Curious: “So many athletes end badly. The same goes for boxing. Messi is absolutely right. He is a gentleman. But for me, of the three, the greatest gentleman is Bailey. A caring person”.Bergoglio guarantees

During the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, the flags of Messi, Pope Francis and Maradona accompanied the Argentine national team to the final. During the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, the flags of Messi, Pope Francis and Maradona accompanied the Argentine national team to the final.

In this sense, the pope added: “I spoke to Pele, I met him on a plane once when I was in Buenos Aires and we spoke. A man of such great humanity. All three are great. Each one has their own specialty. Messi is in great form right now. Pele is great too. “.

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