Pope’s bronchitis ‘is improving’

Pope Francis Health Bronchitis
Pope Francis, who suffers from bronchitis, is in good health.Photo: AFP

The health of Pope Francis, who refused to travel to Dubai to attend the 28th Conference of the Parties due to bronchitis, “Things are getting better” But the Vatican said on Saturday he would remain at his residence as a precautionary measure.

“he Dad has no fever and continue appropriate treatment,” the Holy See said in a statement.

86-year-old Argentinian Pope Will preside over Sunday’s Angelus He usually read the book from a window of the Apostolic Palace overlooking St. Peter’s Square. However, this time he will read indoors to “avoid exposure to temperature changes,” the statement said.

Just like last Sunday, The Angelus will be prayed from his private residence. The prayer will be broadcast on a screen in St. Peter’s Square, according to the Vatican.

he Pope hosts weekly audience on Wednesday He felt breathless and tired and asked an assistant to read the text to him.

Pope Francis underwent partial lung ablation surgery as a young man Forced to cancel planned trip to Dubai Attend the United Nations climate conference.

The second most powerful person in the Vatican, the cardinal Pietro ParolinThe Secretary of State traveled to Dubai in place of the Pope and read out a speech on Saturday in which he asked Conference of the Parties participants to provide a “turning point” to accelerate the ecological transition.

Francisco, who He will be 87 years old in December this yearSuffering from multiple health problems including knees, hips and colon.

In June he received abdominal surgery In March, he was hospitalized for three nights with bronchitis.

last Saturday Multiple hearings canceled Due to a “mild flu”.

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