Porn gastronomy. In Cesena, the Va Gina food truck sparks controversy and outrage

The idea that we were in a region of Romagna dear to old Federico Fellini was not enough, who knew a lot about women and the student spirit in a country with a very cheerful spirit. Yes, because a food truck sign praising an unidentified “Gina” preceded by an allusive “Va” infuriated Fidapa – a section of the Italian Federation of Women, Arts, Professions and Businesses of Cesena Malatesta – precisely because of the direct allusion to a woman. sexual organ: some recent news published in the press “demeans women,” they write in the local newspaper Il Resto del Carlino, “reducing their image to a mere sexual organ.” And they point out that in the case of reprehensible expressions like this, people often remain silent or classify the case as “fun”.

Poster promoting Va Gina

Va Gina, a small van with cakes and ravioli.

A small food truck driven by two guys cruises Cesena and Forlì, offering ravioli, gyoza, cakes, and other more or less fusion dishes. Both boys try to protect themselves by putting forward a different interpretation of their sign: praising the road, traveling with that initial Wa. Even if, as the newspaper that published this message points out, there is no apostrophe that would make this sentence an invocation. Therefore, the wink will be more than obvious.

Accused Tortello Festival Poster

Porno gastronomy, other cases of “goliardia”

This food truck in the area isn’t the only case of sexist (or sexual) nonchalance: even the Tortello festival in Premilcuore has actually come under fire. The promotional poster sparked controversy for its use of the “Potato in the Middle” slogan, paired with a photo of Sharon Stone in the iconic cross-legged scene from Basic Instinct. Where in the middle? In front of this poster, you are amazed! Of course, between two layers of puff pastry. But even here at least I want to wink.

Urinal at Turin Gymnasium

Irony or outrage?

The question is, are we outraged about this or laughing? When ice cream in the form of a penis, “cazzolo”, appeared in this area, no one stood up to defend an objectless man, whom this ice cream would turn into a simple sexual object, into a fact. The outrage – if there was any – and the controversy was caused by an insult to the propriety of the choice defined as “porn”. However, here, in the case of potatoes or Wa Gina, we appeal to sexism. Maybe even right. And yet, perhaps if we were able to laugh, and not just argue, perhaps we could get a signal that perhaps the problem of sexism is being overcome. But it is obvious, including taking into account the news, that we are by no means on the way to overcoming it. Therefore, we retain the original doubt by distinguishing (perhaps erroneously?) between these kinds of episodes, where we are on the verge of sexism, and episodes like the one a few days ago with a toilet in the shape of a woman’s lips in a Turin gym. There is no doubt about it: you fall into sexism and resentment, and this is where, perhaps, outrage would play a true role in protecting the dignity of the human person.

“We are people, not parts of the body”

And here, yes, it is appropriate to quote the considerations of Raffaella Candoli, president of Fidapa Cesena Malatesta and we can only be with her: “A girl is a person, not a part of the body, with sensitivity, feelings, dignity. such behavior of men, from psychological abuse to physical abuse, the step is very short. And, unfortunately, very practiced. Therefore, it is important to educate feelings, sexuality, especially in boys, but also in girls, before realizing the right to respect. Always “.

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