Premature babies die one by one in Al-Shifa Hospital, which Israel targets

A great humanitarian tragedy is taking place in Al-Shifa Hospital, which was targeted by Israel, which bombed Gaza.

While many people lost their lives when Israel intensified its attacks on Gaza’s largest hospital, where thousands of civilians took refuge, seriously ill patients and newborns began to die as activities came to a halt.

Thousands of Gazans were trapped in Al-Shifa Hospital under the Israeli siege.

Israel shoots everyone who comes out

It is noteworthy that those leaving the hospital where thousands of Gazans were trapped were the target of Israeli missiles and snipers.

Doctors and nurses are struggling to keep alive babies born prematurely removed from incubators that have become inoperable, and seriously injured patients in hospital, where electricity, water and food have run out.

The non-governmental Palestinian Medical Aid Organization stressed the impossibility of transporting infants in Al-Shifa Hospital to safe places. The authorities indicated that the ambulances were unable to approach the hospital and were exposed to Israeli attacks, and pointed out that if a ceasefire was not declared, all the children would die soon.

“There is no Hamas here.”

Shifa Hospital officials also announced that some of the nearly 40 children had died and that three nurses had died in the bombing. It was noted that the hospital’s infrastructure was severely damaged by the bombing.

The hospital’s chief surgeon, Dr. Marwan Abu Saida, rejected the claim that Hamas was using the building and called the claim that Israel helped evacuate the hospital a “big lie.”

Hamas also announced that it is not a party to the management of Al-Shifa Hospital, and that it does not participate in the decision-making mechanism.

The Director-General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said that the situation in Al-Shifa Hospital is extremely horrific. There is a catastrophic increase in patient mortality. “Unfortunately, the hospital is no longer able to operate as a hospital,” he said.

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